By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Michael Moore, Michael Moore acclaimed filmmaker of many award-winning documentaries, Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America and The Coalition To Stop Gun Violence, putting right wing extremism on its proper historic context, Smack Downs, Smackdowns, the anti-war movement in America, There are a good number of anti-gun violence organizations in this country
Activism, Extremists, Gun Control, Law & Order, Racial Issues, Racial Justice

Michael Moore blasts right wing gun extremists with one perfect tweet. Once again – we thank you Michael Moore. Filmmaker and author Michael Moore is as well known for his political activism as he is for his documentary films. As The Sun Sentinel reported in 2007, “Moore rejects the label ‘political activist;’ as a citizen […]
By Samuel Warde on
Defeating Trump, Fighting the Trump Agenda, No patience for Trump, Smack Downs, Trump Hysteria, Trump is a big baby, Trump Lies, Trump Supporters
Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Smackdowns

I have had enough of Trump supporters and apologists telling me to give him a chance. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of Trump supporters whining: “We put up with eight years of Obama; give Trump a chance. You can always vote him out of office in 2020.” There […]
By Samuel Warde on
Gay Marriage, George Takei, LGBT Issues, marriage equality, Smack Downs, The Courts, Videos
Activism, Discrimination, gay marriage, gay rights, LGBT Issues, Smackdowns, The Courts, Videos

Actor and social justice activiest George Takei slammed Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas during an interview with Fox 10 this week in Phoenix. With his longtime partner and husband by his side, Takei slammed Justice Thomas for his dissenting opinion to last week’s decision legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide, telling Fox 10: He is a clown […]
By Samuel Warde on
Epic Fails, Facebook, Healthcare, Obamacare, SCOTUS, Smack Downs, Smackdowns, Ted Cruz, The Courts, The Supreme Court
Facebook, Healthcare, Humor, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Smackdowns, Social Media

Tea Party favorite and Republican presidential hopeful, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), has a habit of setting himself up for some of the best smack downs ever. The ultra-conservative website Forbes has smacked him around, not once, but two times. The first time was over his lies about Christian persecution in the United States, the second […]
By Samuel Warde on
Religion, Religious Intolerance, Republican Logic, Rick Ungar, Smack Downs, Smackdowns, Ted Cruz, The Tea Party
Debunking Right Wing Lies, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Smackdowns, The Tea Party

To hear Ted Cruz (R-TX) tell it, there’s a war on Christians of epic proportions being waged by liberals and progressives in the USA these days. The presidential hopeful was speaking at the Faith and Freedom Coalition summit in Waukee, Iowa, last weekend when he declared that Democrats have become so extreme and “intolerant” of […]