By Samuel Warde on
Criminal Conspiracy, Devin Nunes, Joe Scarborough, Joe Scarborough Rants, Morning Joe, Obstruction of Justice, Rants, Smackdowns
Congress, Republican Logic, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal, Scandals, Smackdowns

Fed up with Trump co-conspirator Devin Nunes – Scarborough went off on him Tuesday morning, stating his actions and those of Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy amount to “A sleazy political purge that we’ve seen unfolding before our eyes to feed the paranoid and maniacal desires of Donald Trump” “Morning Joe” Scarborough doesn’t mince words when […]
By Samuel Warde on
Der Spiegel, Smackdowns, Spiegel mocks American president, Spiegel Online, Spiegel Online mocks America
Smackdowns, Uncategorized, World News

Spiegel Online, the most frequently quoted online media company in Germany, joins the list of countries punching back at Trump’s failed administration. German media joined the growing list of international news agencies speaking out against the absurdity of the Trump administration with Spiegel Online publishing a scathing article this Tuesday titled: “Blight House – Trump’s […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Michael Moore, Michael Moore acclaimed filmmaker of many award-winning documentaries, Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America and The Coalition To Stop Gun Violence, putting right wing extremism on its proper historic context, Smack Downs, Smackdowns, the anti-war movement in America, There are a good number of anti-gun violence organizations in this country
Activism, Extremists, Gun Control, Law & Order, Racial Issues, Racial Justice

Michael Moore blasts right wing gun extremists with one perfect tweet. Once again – we thank you Michael Moore. Filmmaker and author Michael Moore is as well known for his political activism as he is for his documentary films. As The Sun Sentinel reported in 2007, “Moore rejects the label ‘political activist;’ as a citizen […]
By Samuel Warde on
David Duke, extremists in america, John Fugelsang, Smackdowns, TEDx Talks, Videos, white supremacists
Activism, Humor, Religious Intolerance, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, Videos

John Fugelsang and the time he went toe-to-toe with far-right politician and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan on Bill Maher’s “Politically Incorrect” An actor, writer, radio and television personality, and political satirist, John Fugelsang has done – and continues to do – it all. In the spring of 2012, Fugelsang launched a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Christian Discrimination, Christian hypocrisy, Christians battle LGBT community, George Takei, Indiana, LGBT Issues, LGBT rights, Mike Pence, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Freedom Restoration, Smackdowns
Activism, LGBT Issues, Religious Freedom Laws, Religious Intolerance, Smackdowns, States Issues

George Takei scored a major victory for LGBT rights in Indiana after he went to war with then Gov. Mike Pence. March 2015 then Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) signed into law the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” (RFRA) in a private ceremony. ThinkProgress reported at the time that “Proponents of this bill had openly admitted […]