By Whatever Jones on
Democrats, Joe Manchin, Joe Scarborough, Mar, Marsha Blackburn, Republicans. midterm election, Steve Schmidt, Trumpism
Elections, Republicans

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough talked with former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt about the outlook for Republicans this November, and it’s not good. Schmidt, who was John McCain’s campaign manager in 2008, trashed and ridiculed the Republican Party, saying there are too many “kooks” and “nutballs.” Scarborough pointed out there are at least five red states that […]
By Samuel Warde on
House Republicans, Mueller investigation, Obstruction of Justice, Republican obstruction, Republican-Led Witch Hunt, Steve Schmidt, Twitter Wars
Activism, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Russia Investigation, Scandals, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Trump

Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt didn’t hold anything back when he unleashed the hounds of hell on House Republicans. House Republicans managed to outdo themselves yesterday as they questioned interrogated insulted and smeared FBI agent Peter Strzok. As Salon reported: The all-day House Oversight and Judiciary Committee grilling of Peter Strzok, the counter-intelligence FBI agent who had been […]
By Samuel Warde on
Congressional Bias, House Republicans, Obstruction of Justice, Republican Witch Hunters, Republicans, Seth Abramson, Steve Schmidt, witch hunt, Witchhunt
Republican Logic, Republicans, Seth Abramson, Smackdowns

Seth Abramson and Steve Schmidt took to their Twitter accounts to publicly state what many have been thinking about Trump but were unwilling to publicly express. Trump tweets almost daily about witch hunts – and that witch hunt is alive an well but resides in the Republican wing of the House of Representatives and not […]
By Samuel Warde on
Control through fear, Deadline White House, fear mongering, Ignorance and Politics, Immigration policy, Mass rallies, Mass sense of Victimization, Nefarious Claims, Power of Ignorance, Republican Strategist, Scapegoating Minorities, Steve Schmidt
Abuse of Power, Activism, Smackdowns

Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt let loose on Trump, calling him a “supernova of ignorance.” The Washington Post reported last week that “Republican strategist Steve Schmidt, a senior adviser to the presidential campaign of Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), announced early Wednesday that he is leaving the Republican Party, which he decried as ‘fully the party […]
By Samuel Warde on
conservatives, Deadline White House, George Will, GOP Strategists, Mike Pence, Political Brown-nosing, Republican Logic, Republican Operatives, Slobbering Servility, Steve Schmidt
Activism, Conservatives, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Smackdowns
Pence gets shredded for the second time in as many days. This time by GOP Strategist Steve Schmidt. Vice President Mike Pence found himself the target of a couple of angry conservatives twice last week. Conservative commentator and former Fox News contributor George Will was the first to blast Pence in a Wednesday opinion piece […]