By Samuel Warde on
Charles Rangel, politics, Tea Party Republicans, The Tea Party, Videos
Politics, The Tea Party, Videos

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) had some harsh words for Tea Party Republicans during a recent town hall. Rangel, the second-longest currently serving member of the U.S. House of Representatives during a town hall he hosted on Tuesday in the Bronx. During the meeting, he was asked for his opinion on what motivates the Tea Party […]
By Samuel Warde on
Congress, House Freedom Caucus rebukes Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan rebuked as traitor to conservatism, Republican Logic, Republicans, Speaker of the House, Tea Party Patriots Release Blistering Statement Blasting Paul Ryan, The Tea Party
Congress, Politics, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, The Tea Party

Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots released a blistering statement against Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) in an attempt to dissuade growing sentiment in the Republican-led House of Representatives to select him to replace outgoing Speaker John Boehner. Martin, the Founder and CEO of Tea Party Patriots, issued the statement urging the House Freedom Caucus […]
By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz bullies witness over climate change, Ted Cruz denies climate change, Ted Cruz denies global warming, Ted Cruz Repeatedly Bully Sierra Club President Over Climate Change, The Environment, The Tea Party, Videos
Climate/Nature, Environment, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, The Tea Party, Videos

Tea Party favorite Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) repeatedly bullied the president of the Sierra Club regarding climate change. The Republican presidential hopeful attempted to corner Sierra Club President Aaron Mair during a Tuesday hearing before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee. As EcoWatch reports, It’s painful to watch this Senate hearing as Senator and GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz […]
By Samuel Warde on
conservatives target Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, John Boehner out Mitch McConnell next to resign, Mitch McConnell, Mitch McConnell targeted by the Tea party, politics, Republicans, The Tea Party
Congress, Politics, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, The Tea Party

Things have become heated in conservative circles in Washington, D.C. since embattled Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner announced his retirement last Friday. Ted Cruz fired the first salvo, lashing out at Boehner and accusing him of betraying the Republican Party. According to conservative website The Blaze, Cruz told reporters at the conservative Values […]
By Samuel Warde on
Election 2016, Smackdowns, Ted Cruz, The Tea Party, Videos
Election 2016, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, The Tea Party, Videos

Tea Party websites exploded late last year after a video was posted online of a Texas professor comparing the Tea Party to the Nazi Party. Tea Party News Network (TPNN) reported that “An imbecilic psychology professor at South Texas College in Weslaco, Texas, should probably stick with his field and leave world history and politics […]