By Samuel Warde on
Climate change, Climate Change Denial, Republican Logic, Smackdowns, Ted Cruz, The Tea Party
Climate/Nature, Election 2016, Politics, Republican Logic, Smackdowns, The Tea Party

It’s been over a week since Ted Cruz made his asinine comment regarding climate change during an interview with Seth Meyers1 but the presidential hopeful is still getting smacked around. Slate wrote that “What Cruz said, in its entirety, is what comes out of the south end of a north-facing bull,” adding that Cruz has […]
By Samuel Warde on
Election 2016, Elections, Forbes Blasts Ted Cruz, politics, Smackdowns, Ted Cruz, The Tea Party
Election 2016, Elections, Politics, Republican Logic, Smackdowns, The Tea Party

Even conservatives are speaking out about Ted Cruz. Back in the spring of 2015 – long before Trump came on the scene, the noted conservative website published a scathing smack down of Ted Cruz’s decision to announce his candidacy for the presidency at Liberty University, a religious institution founded by Rev. Jerry Falwell. Forbes […]
By Samuel Warde on
Election 2016, Fact-Checking Lies, Politifact, Republican lies, Ted Cruz, The Tea Party
Election 2016, Elections, Fact-Checking Lies, Right Wing Lies, The Tea Party

Tea Party favorite Texas Senator Ted Cruz announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination on Monday despite having one of the highest (if not the highest) Politifact track records for telling publicly asserted falsehoods – lies. As reported on his Politifact page, 44 public statements were analyzed with the following results: As The Daily […]
By Samuel Warde on
misogyny, Rep. Bill Harris, Republican Logic, The Tea Party, Women's issues
Reproductive Rights, Republican Logic, Right Wing Hatred, States Issues, The Tea Party, Weird News, Women's Issues

A Montana legislator came up with a bizarre analogy during debate over a proposed fetal surgery bill that would severely limit legal abortion in the state. Montana’s The Cowgirl Blog covered the spectacle, reporting that State Rep. Bill Harris (R-Winnett) compared abortion doctors to veterinarians during an executive action session of the House Human Services […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Republican Logic, right wing hatred, The Tea Party
Barack Obama, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Myths

Considering the success President Obama and his administration have attained – even in spite of Republican obstructionism – it is no wonder conservatives are pissed. But to disrespect the office of the president like this is disgraceful. Conservatives were fond of ranting and raving about President Obama, accusing him of doing things “beneath the dignity […]