By Samuel Warde on
America's National Embarrassment, death of democracy in America, Has the White House been compromised?, Intelligence Tampering, National Embarrassment, Treason, Vladimir Putin, White House treason
Abuse of Power, Constitutional Crisis, Controversy, Foreign Policy, Russia, Russian Scandal, Scandals, Treason

It took Trump less than 5 hours to resume bragging about his meeting with Putin after his lame attempt to explain his treasonous remarks in Helsinki. Trump resumed defending his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin within hours of attempting to walk back his remarks in Helsinki. CNN reported that: “Trump had one clear mission […]
By Samuel Warde on
Crimes and Misdemeanors, High Crimes, Putin, Traitor, Treason, Vladimir Putin
Abuse of Power, Russia, Scandals, Treason

Former CIA Director John Brennan accuses Trump of “high crimes & misdemeanors” and called on Republican patriots to step forward. John Brennan has spent 25 years with the Central Intelligence Agency, serving as it’s director from March 2013 to January 2017. Prior to serving as director, Brennan worked at the White House as Assistant to the President […]
By Samuel Warde on
CIA Director Brennan, Director John Brennan, John Brennan Warns Russia Has Dirt on President, Putin Undermines American Democracy, Vladimir Putin
Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal, Scandals, Smackdowns

Former CIA Director John Brennan says it is possible the Russians ‘have something’ on the president, and he also believes the country’s future is in jeopardy as Trump ‘continues his antics.’ Former CIA Director John O. Brennan suggested that Trump was afraid of Russian President Vladimir Putin out of fear that the Russians have compromising information […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
2016 election, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Jill Stein, Russian propaganda, Vladimir Putin
Election 2016, Russia, Russian Scandal

Some intelligent voters are going to have to admit they fell for various degrees of Russian propaganda if we want to get our democracy back on track. I was one of those voters, and I admit I fell for some of their tactics. Before you chase me with torches and call me a corporate whore, please allow me the opportunity […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fabricated Events Russia election tampering, Fake News, Russia Digital Warfare, Russian Election Interference, Russian Internet Bots, Russian Internet Trolls, Russian Social Media Campaign, The Kremlin, Using Social Media to win Election, Vladimir Putin, Winning elections through social media
Elections, Fake News, Russian Scandal

The Kremlin’s pro-Trump operation was much more expansive than most people think, particularly when it comes to using social media. Writer, editor, and scholar-in-residence at Middlebury College, Sue Halpern published a recent article for the prestigious New York Review of Books making a persuasive argument that “Trump is our first Facebook president.” Her article, titled: “How […]