By Samuel Warde on
Carl Gbson, Millennials, U.S. Uncut, voter turnout, Voting
Elections, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Voting

As the saying goes, “When Democrats vote, Democrats win – It’s as simple as that.” The midterm elections have come and gone leaving Democrats pointing the finger of blame at each other in its wake. Of particular concern is the meager voter turnout by millennials. Carl Gibson, founder of US Uncut, published this open letter […]
By Samuel Warde on
Elections, Madison Kimrey, Millenials, Voter Apathy, Voting, Youth
Elections, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Voting

18-year-old Saira Blair beat her opponent in the West Virginia House race by winning 63% of the vote and is now the youngest lawmaker in America. Saira is also a Republican and is fiscally conservative, pro-gun, and pro-life. The majority of comments I have seen about this epic accomplishment by Saira have been positive. However, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Mid-Term Elections, midterm elections, Videos, Voting
Elections, Videos, Voting

This video tells you exactly why you should care more about the midterm elections. This midterm election may seem insignificant, but there are major ballot issues that could have a much larger impact on your daily life than national races. If you want a say in minimum wage, drug legalization, education, or health care, among […]
By Samuel Warde on
Michael Moore, Videos, voter registration, Voter Suppression, Voting
Elections, Videos, Voting

Filmmaker and political activist Michael Moore points to Republican efforts to bar people from voting as the clearest sign that the GOP realize that they’re “in the crapper.” This speech was given at the Sixth & I Historic Synagogue in Washington D.C. on October 2, 2011, but is every bit as relevant today as when […]
By Samuel Warde on
Elections, The War On Women, Voting, Women's issues
Elections, Voting, Women's Issues

The Republicans stance on women is all the reason you need to get out and vote this year. I’m watching and I WILL Vote. Will you? Want to know the GOP’s stance on women? Here’s the basics: Outlaw abortion except for the cases of rape, incest and the life of the mother. Say that women […]