By Samuel Warde on
Active Obstruction of Justice, Federal Felonies, President Commits Felonies in Plain View, Seth Abramson, Seth Abramson Witness Tampering Analysis, Witness Tampering
Abuse of Power, Law & Order, Obstruction of Justice, Seth Abramson, Witness Tampering

Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney Seth Abramson presents evidence of felony witness tampering by Trump. The White House appears to be overcome with panic in light of recent events, such as jury deliberation in the tax- and bank-fraud case against Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort, this week’s release of several White House recordings secretly […]
By Samuel Warde on
DC Mayor taunts President, DC Mayor Trolls White House, Muriel Bowser, Reality Star in the White House, Washington DC Mayor
Debunking Right Wing Lies, Fact-Checking Lies, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter Battles

Mayor of Washington D.C. Trolls Trump on Twitter, taking credit for reality-checking “the reality star in the White House.” Trump took to Twitter on Friday, trying to hand off blame for the cancellation of his beloved military parade, originally schedule for November of this year. “The local politicians who run Washington, D.C. (poorly) know a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Canada Blasts White House, Foreign Policy Failure, Maclean's News Magazine, misogyny, Normalizing Bigotry, Omarosa Manigault Newman, Racism, Scott Gilmore, Unhinged: An Insider’s Account
Abuse of Power, Activism, Human Interest, Smackdowns

Canadian news magazine, Maclean’s, published a strong rebuke of the normalization of the incivility and authoritarianism ushered in by the Trump regime. American allies like Canada are getting sick and tired of Trump and his antics – from his hateful remarks and tweets, to his failed foreign policy, to his recent trade wars, and his policy […]
By Samuel Warde on
Michael Avenatti, Michael Avenatti 2020, Michael Avenatti for President, Spoof campaign ad, When they go low
Activism, Election 2020, Elections, Smackdowns

Inspired by recent events, Eleven Films makes a Michael Avenatti For President 2020 campaign ad – and Trump isn’t going to like it one bit. If there is one person who can out-Trump Trump, it’s outspoken attorney Michael Avenatti. CNN reported last week that: “Michael Avenatti, the attorney for adult film star Stormy Daniels, positioned […]
By Samuel Warde on
Debunking Rudy Giuliani, Debunking White House Claims, Fact-checking Republican Lies, Fact-Checking White House Lies, Shep Smith, Shep Smith Fact-Checks Rudy Giuliani, Shepard Smith
Debunking Right Wing Lies, Fact-Checking Lies, Fox News, Rudy Giuliani, Shep Smith

Fox News host Shepard Smith fact-checks an administration talking point used to attack the Russia investigation and possible witnesses against the president. Shepard Smith stands out like a sore thumb on Trump’s favorite network Fox News for consistently taking to the airwaves to fact-check many of the myths promoted by team Trump. Wednesday was the […]