By Samuel Warde on
Benito Mussolini, Current Administration emulates Benito Mussolini, Current Administration Parallels that of Adolph Hitler, History repeats itself, Richard Nixon Reborn, The New Joseph McCarthy, Trump's Historical Antecedents
History, Polls, Uncategorized

Today’s poll asks readers to choose which historic figure Trump most resembles. We will be posting the results later this weekend. “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” ~ writer and philosopher George Santayana Reporting on the likely author of that quote, Big Think reported that, in its original form, the quote read, “Those […]
By Samuel Warde on
Council of Europe, Immigration Controversy, Moral Leadership, Nobel Peace Prize, Nobel Prize Committee, Obama wins Nobel, President no longer Moral Leader, Thorbjorn Jagland dashes president's hope of winning Nobel
Abuse of Power, Activism, Human Interest, Human Rights, Smackdowns

A member of the Nobel Peace Prize committee blasted Trump over his human rights violations. Thorbjorn Jagland, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe [1] spoke out against Trump and his zero-tolerance policy of dealing with immigrants this week, telling Norwegian broadcaster TV2 that “[Trump] is no longer the moral leader of his country or […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bogus Charity Foundations, Charity Foundation Fraud, Criminal Conspiracy to commit tax fraud, fraud, tax fraud
25th Amendment, Abuse of Power, Corruption, Crime, Criminal Conspiracy, Law & Order

Expert from the IRS discusses the criminal and civil charges the Trump Foundation faces in the wake of the completion of a 2-year investigation by the New York Attorney General’s office. The New York Times broke the story last week, reporting that the New York Attorney General had filed a lawsuit against the Trump foundation […]
By Samuel Warde on
Decline of American Democracy, Diplomatic Treason, Foreign Intervention to save America, Invading America, Restoring Civil Liberty, Restoring Democratic Norms in America, Saving America, Saving American Democracy
Abuse of Power, Foreign Policy, Human Interest, Human Rights, Smackdowns, Weird News

Former Canadian diplomat makes the case for foreign intervention to save America from the Trump regime. American allies are getting sick and tired of Trump and his antics, from his withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement and his violation of the Iran Nuclear deal to his recent trade wars and policy of separating migrant […]
By Samuel Warde on
emmanuel, Emmanuel Macron, house, Kim Jong Un, Macron, Photos, west, white, wing
Weird News, White House

Unbelievable that a U.S. president would adore a dictator so much that he would hang his photos in the White House. Trump has managed to alienate the United States from our closest allies after his withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement and his violation of the Iran Nuclear deal to say nothing of […]