By Samuel Warde on
constitutional crisis, Instructions Constitutional Crisis, Obstruction of Justice, Robert Mueller, Robert Mueller Fired, Seth Abramson Explains, White House Obstruction
Law & Order, Mueller Investigation, Obstruction of Justice, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Seth Abramson

There’s significant evidence that Trump plans to force a constitutional crisis. Here’s how America can survive such an eventuality. Editor’s Note: “This article was originally posted on March 20, 2018. The article has been updated in light of recent events such as the growing uncertainty regarding the future of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. As […]
By Samuel Warde on
abuse allegations, Ann Coulter, Ann Coulter the queen of mean, Brett Kavanaugh Accusations, Do the right thing, Mazie Hirono, Twitter Battles, Twitter Strikes Back, victim blaming
Activism, Resistance, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, The Resistance, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrum

Ann Coulter – the queen of mean – is at it again, this time targeting Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii. But Twitter hits back! Over the years, conservative commentator Ann Coulter has been called “the queen of mean,” “the queen of the damned,” and other not-so-friendly names. Last week she set her Twitter sights on Senator […]
By Samuel Warde on
FBI, FBI Agents Association Speaks Out, FBI Constitutional Duties, FBI Dedicated to Protecting American People, FBI Professionalism, FBI Results, FBI Sworn Duties, FBIAA
Activism, Conspiracy Theories, Law & Order

FBI agents are responding to Trump’s latest wave of attacks on the agency in the wake of recent developments in the Russia investigation and administration concerns regarding 25th Amendment remedies. Trump lashed out at the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation during a Friday campaign rally held in Missouri, vowing to get rid of […]
By Samuel Warde on
bigotry in politics, Far-Right Groups Support GOP, GOP Embraces White Nationalists, Republicans Embrace White Nationalists, White Nationalist running as Republicans
Bigotry, Extremists, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, White Nationalists

Republican candidates are either a card-carrying Nazi, a Holocaust denier, a proud white supremacist, or all of the above in 5 races this year. Vox News reported earlier this year that “Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country.” Continuing, Vox reported that: In at least five state and national races across the […]
By Samuel Warde on
blue wave, Democrats regain Senate, Kavanaugh Allegations, Senate control in play, Upcoming Midterm Elections, victim blaming
Midterm Elections, Republicans, Victim Blaming

Unable to contain himself, Trump just pulled dirt into the hole Republican Senators have already dug for themselves regarding the assault allegations against his SCOTUS nominee. Editor’s Note: Samuel Wynn Warde is the editor-in-chief of Liberals Unite as well as a contributor. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. You can view a list of […]