By Samuel Warde on
constitutional crisis, Instructions Constitutional Crisis, Obstruction of Justice, Robert Mueller, Robert Mueller Fired, Seth Abramson Explains, White House Obstruction
Law & Order, Mueller Investigation, Obstruction of Justice, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Seth Abramson

There’s significant evidence that Trump plans to force a constitutional crisis. Here’s how America can survive such an eventuality. Editor’s Note: “This article was originally posted on March 20, 2018. The article has been updated in light of recent events such as the growing uncertainty regarding the future of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. As […]
By Samuel Warde on
constitutional crisis, Constitutional Emergency, Impeaching Rod Rosenstein unlikely, Mueller Cannot Be Fired - At least not right now, Obstruction of Justice, Robert Mueller, Russia investigation, Surviving a Constitutional Crisis, Thwarting Mueller's Investigation
Law & Order, Mueller Investigation, Obstruction of Justice, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation

A spate of recent events, to include the already infamous Nunes recordings, all but guarantee that Republicans remain impotent to prevent the Russia investigation from moving forwards to conclusion. The prospect of Trump firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller got a hell of a lot more difficult the instant Trump named Brett M. Kavanaugh as his […]
By Samuel Warde on
Conservative efforts to oust Rod Rosenstein, House Freedom Caucus, Republican efforts to obstruct Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein Articles of Impeachment, The Washington Post, WaPo Destroys House Freedom Caucus, Washington Post destroys House Freedom Caucus
Abuse of Power, Congress, Congressional Investigations, Conservatives, Conspiracy Theories, Mueller Investigation, Republican Logic, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal, Smackdowns

Trump’s most ardent supporters get served up a knockout blow by The Washington Post. As Vox reported: On Wednesday night, Freedom Caucus leaders Reps. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) filed articles of impeachment against Rosenstein. The stated reason was mainly that Rosenstein allegedly wasn’t giving enough documents to Congress. But in context, the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bail Revocation, Paul Manafort, Witness Tampering
Abuse of Power, Law & Order, Mueller Investigation, Obstruction of Justice, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Witness Tampering

The New York Times reported Monday evening that federal prosecutors have accused Paul Manafort of witness tampering. In a stunning revelation, The New York Times reported Monday evening that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office has filed documents with the federal court accusing former Trump campaign manager and longtime associate Paul Manafort of witness tampering. According […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fact Check, Fact-Checking Twitter, Twitter Meltdown, Twitter Tantrums, Twitterstorms, Wapo Fact Check, Washington Post Fact Checks White House
Fact-Checking Lies, Mueller Investigation, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Twitter Tantrum

The Washington Post isn’t holding back any punches when it comes to calling out Trump for his lies. The New York Times reported that “For months, President Trump’s legal advisers implored him to avoid so much as mentioning the name of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, in his tweet, and to do nothing to provoke […]