By Samuel Warde on
bullying, Corporate Greed, Corruption, Gas Company Political Donations, Gas Industry Political Bribes, Oil Company Political Donations, Oil gas donations, Oil Industry Bribes Politicians, West Virginia House Of Delegates
Activism, Bullying, Controversy, Corporate Greed, Corruption, Weird News

A woman was dragged from the floor of the West Virginia House after she began reading a list of their names and how much money they have received in donations from oil and gas companies. Common Dreams reported over the weekend that lawmakers in West Virginia dragged House of Delegates candidate Lissa Lucas from the house […]
By Samuel Warde on
Best Insults, Best Online Insults, Mexico President Insults White House, Social Media Mockery, Social Media Trolls, Twitter Insults, Twitter Mockery, Twitter Tirades, Twitter trolls
Activism, Humor, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Trends

Vicente Fox doesn’t hold back when it comes to his feelings about Trump. Vicente Fox, the president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006, doesn’t mince words when it comes to his dislike of Trump. Time and time again, he has handed Trump his a** with hilarious videos mocking his beloved border wall, his policies, lack […]
By Samuel Warde on
Nunes Memo, Republicans Attack FBI DOJ, Treason
Activism, Conservatives, Republican Logic, Smackdowns

Republican Senator John McCain tore into Republicans on Friday in the wake of the release of the “Nunes Memo.” U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement on partisan attacks on the FBI and Department of Justice: In 2016, the Russian government engaged in an elaborate plot […]
By Samuel Warde on
Congress versus the White House, Join the Resistance, Russian Sanctions, Russian Treachery, separation of powers, Treason
25th Amendment, Activism, Defense, Elections, Foreign Policy, National Security

Trump is preemptively working to steal the 2018 election and this treachery is going unchecked. Reuters reported that “The Trump administration said on Monday it would not immediately impose additional sanctions on Russia, despite a new law designed to punish Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, insisting the measure was already hitting Russian […]
By Samuel Warde on
Best Twitter Insults, Best Twitter Putdowns, King of Horror, Stephen King, Stephen King best Tweets, Stephen King online activism
Activism, Celebrity, Entertainment, Smackdowns, Twitter, Twitter Trends

Horror writer Stephen King is not bashful when it comes to speaking his mind, particularly when it comes to Trump. Monday morning, King took to his Twitter account, tweeting about the upcoming State of the Union Speech. “Set aside for a moment that Trump is a narcissistic, bad-tempered, lazy, and unprepared president, and consider this: […]