By Samuel Warde on
Activism, Controversy surroungs Dakota Pipeline, Corporate Greed, Dakota Access Pipeline, Environmental Activism, Fossil Fuel Industry, Main stream media, Mainstream Media, Media Bias, People Over Pipelines, Responsible Journalism, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Protests Pipeline
Activism, Climate/Nature, Corporate Greed, Environment

Truthful, responsible reporting regarding the Dakota Pipeline very well could guarantee its eventual construction. The Dakota Access Pipeline Project, otherwise known as the Bakken Pipeline, is an underground pipeline spanning approximately 1,172 miles that will eventually connect the Bakken and Three Forks oil fields of North Dakota to a hub in Patoka, Illinois, passing through […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
equal rights, ERA, gender equality, patriarchy, Phyllis Schlafly, sexism
Activism, Equal Rights, Equal Rights Amendment, Women's Issues

In an ironic twist of fate, conservative anti-feminist and anti-union activist Phyllis Schlafly passed away on Labor Day. I have written about Schlafly in several blogs, on FB and in my book American Woman: The Poll Dance. I spoke ill of her while she was alive. I have no desire to speak ill of her […]
By Samuel Warde on
2014 Bundy Standoff Defendants, American Militia Groups, Cliven Bundy Armed Standoff defendant Jerry DeLemus, extremists in america, Jerry DeLemus, Militia Groups In the USA, Right Wing Extremists, Trump for President Veteran’s Coalition
Activism, Extremists, Law & Order, Militia, Right Wing Fanatics

The co-chair of a Trump veterans’ group to plead guilty this week for his role in the 2014 Bundy standoff. Jerry DeLemus, a 61-year-old Tea Party activist and Marine Corps veteran, is scheduled to plead guilty to federal charges for his role in Cliven Bundy’s 2014 armed standoff between Bundy’s anti-government followers and Bureau of […]
By Samuel Warde on
affirmative consent, affirmative consnet, consent can be revoked at any time, consent defined, consent explained, no means no, no means no standard, silences does not imply consent, yes means yes
Activism, Women's Issues

The perfect explanation for men who can not or will not get the concept that “no means no.” As it turns out, the concept of “no means no” eludes the comprehension of many men. NPR reports they are concerned that the “no means no” standard brings “ambiguity into investigations of sexual assault cases.” California Gov. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, Is Trump Self Sabotaging, Michael Moore, Trump ran to increase payout for Apprentice show
Activism, Election 2016

Michael Moore explains exactly how and why Donald Trump is sabotaging his own campaign and why he ran in the first place. Just last month documentary filmmaker and author Michael Moore posted an open letter on his website detailing “5 Reasons Trump Will Win.” In a seeming turnabout, Moore has now published an article on […]