By Samuel Warde on
Canada Blasts White House, Canadian News Media, Foreign Policy Failure, Maclean's Magazine, Maclean's News Magazine, Macleans bashes White House, misogyny, Normalizing Bigotry, Omarosa Manigault Newman, Racism, Scott Gilmore, Unhinged: An Insider’s Account
Abuse of Power, Activism, Bigotry, Bullying, Main Stream Media, Media

Di Michael Vadon – Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0, Collegamento Canadian news media strikes at the heart of Trump’s malignancy, not holding anything back. Canadians are getting sick and tired of Trump and his antics – particularly when it comes to his normalization of bigotry and authoritarianism. Canadian news magazine, Maclean’s, published a fiery article earlier […]
By Samuel Warde on
bullying, Disfunctional Family, Dysfunctional Families, Dysfunctional marriage, Marital Abuse, Mind Control, Spousal Abuse, Spousal Neglect

Seth Abramson weighs in on stunning new allegations regarding Trump’s treatment of Melania. Former criminal investigator Seth Abramson has weighed in on a variety of issues this week regarding the Trump administration. First, there was a blanket statement about witness tampering followed up by two separate lines of discussion regarding, first, the news that Trump […]
By Samuel Warde on
Boycotts, Boycotts target Mitch McConnell, Boycotts targeting Paul Ryan, Canada Boycotting Republican Strongholds, Canada Boycotts American Products, Targeted Boycotts, trade war
Abuse of Power, Boycotts, Bullying, Economics, Elections, Midterm Elections, Trade War

American allies like Canada are getting sick and tired of Trump and his bullying tactics and are starting to punch back against his regressive trade policies. American allies such as Canada are getting sick and tired of Trump and his antics – from his withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Paris Agreement and his […]
By Samuel Warde on
George Conway, Kellyanne Conway, Omarosa Manigault Newman, Ronald Reagan's Dog, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrums, White House Controversy, Winston Churchill's Dog
Bullying, Smackdowns, Social Media, Twitter, Twitter Battles

Von Michael Vadon – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link George Conway is on a roll this week, mercilessly trolling Trump the last couple of days on Twitter. Kellyanne Conway’s husband, George Conway, took to his Twitter this week to weigh in on the controversy surrounding Omarosa Manigault Newman’s book launch and to call out […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alex Jones, Alex Jones Sandy Hook Hoax, Apple iTunes battles hate speech, bullying, Conspiracy Theories, Facebook, Facebook Strikes back against Hate Speech, hate speech, InfoWars, InfoWars shut down by social media giants, iTunes, Online Bullying, Online Hate Speech, Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories, Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre, Sandy Hook families, Spotify, Spotify combats hate speech
Bullying, Extremists, Law & Order, Right Wing Fanatics, Weird News

His empire collapsing with the prospect of losing a lawsuit, Alex Jones’ legal team appears willing to go to despicable lengths to deny his accusers their day in court. As an independent journalist, I have covered a variety of topics and individuals over the years, but I have never felt my stomach turned by a […]