By Samuel Warde on
FBI, FBI Agents Association Speaks Out, FBI Constitutional Duties, FBI Dedicated to Protecting American People, FBI Professionalism, FBI Results, FBI Sworn Duties, FBIAA
Activism, Conspiracy Theories, Law & Order

FBI agents are responding to Trump’s latest wave of attacks on the agency in the wake of recent developments in the Russia investigation and administration concerns regarding 25th Amendment remedies. Trump lashed out at the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation during a Friday campaign rally held in Missouri, vowing to get rid of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Conservative efforts to oust Rod Rosenstein, House Freedom Caucus, Republican efforts to obstruct Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein Articles of Impeachment, The Washington Post, WaPo Destroys House Freedom Caucus, Washington Post destroys House Freedom Caucus
Abuse of Power, Congress, Congressional Investigations, Conservatives, Conspiracy Theories, Mueller Investigation, Republican Logic, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal, Smackdowns

Trump’s most ardent supporters get served up a knockout blow by The Washington Post. As Vox reported: On Wednesday night, Freedom Caucus leaders Reps. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) filed articles of impeachment against Rosenstein. The stated reason was mainly that Rosenstein allegedly wasn’t giving enough documents to Congress. But in context, the […]
By Samuel Warde on
America's European Allies, Betrayel, blackmail, Corruption in the White House, International Intrigue, Russian Assets in America Today, Russian Assets in the White House, Russian Collusion, Russian Spy Games, Soviet Puppet, Spy Games, Treason, Western European Intelligence
Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Crisis, Corruption, Russia, Russian Scandal, Treason

New York Magazine dropped a major bomb with the publication of an article making the case that Trump has been acting as a Russian asset since 1987. At nearly 8000 words, the New York Magazine article is far too long to cover here, but we will cover a few highlights and would strongly encourage you to […]
By Samuel Warde on
conservatives, Obstructing Justice, Political Commentary, Political Strategist, Republican Logic, Republican Strategist Steve Schmidt, Republican-Led Witch Hunters, Seth Abramson, witch hunt
Congress, Congressional Hearings, Congressional Investigations, Conservatives, Conspiracy Theories, Republican Logic, Republicans

Seth Abramson and Steve Schmidt teamed up this week to shred GOP efforts to protect Trump. True, there is a witch hunt happening but it’s not being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller – it originates in the GOP. Salon reported about this week’s disgraceful grilling of FBI agent Peter Strzok by House Republicans: The […]
By Samuel Warde on
America's European Allies, blackmail, Corruption in the White House, International Intrigue, Russian Assets in America Today, Russian Assets in the White House, Russian Collusion, Russian Spy Games, Vladimir Putin blackmails American President, Western European Intelligence
Conspiracy Theories, Corruption, Russia, Russian Scandal, Treason

Former criminal investigator and attorney Seth Abramson lends credibility to new theory regarding the possible extent of Trump’s involvement with Russia. New York Magazine dropped a major bombshell over the weekend with the publication of an article making the case that Trump has been acting as a Russian asset since 1987. Coming in at nearly […]