By Samuel Warde on
anti-gay activism, anti-gay legislation, conservative values and hypocrisy, discrimination against gays, discrimination against lgbt community, Gay Marriage, Lawmakers Caught Being Gay, Legislation protecting gay rights, LGBTQ Protections at risk, Protecting the LGBT community
Conservatives, Discrimination, Human Interest, Human Rights, LGBT Issues, Supreme Court

Anti-gay activists and lawmakers are hoping to strip the LGBTQ community of any and all protections with Trump’s pending Supreme Court appointment. Trump started out his presidency weakening protections for members of the LGBTQ community by revoking President Obama’s guidelines regarding transgender bathrooms. CNBC reported that, with the upcoming retirement of Anthony Kennedy, Trump has another […]
By Samuel Warde on
Border Family Separation blasted by Jon Stewart, Jon Stewart, Jon Stewart blasts family separation at border, Jon Stewart talks Immigration policy, Political Humor, Political satire
Human Interest, Human Rights, Humor, Immigration, Political Satire, Smackdowns

Jon Stewart takes over The Late Show from host Stephen Colbert to address Trump. Jon Stewart made a surprise visit to “The Late Show” Thursday night, taking over for an 8-minute rant reminiscent of the good old days at “The Daily Show.” Addressing Trump directly, Stewart stated: “I know you’re upset about all the criticism […]
By Samuel Warde on
Biographies, Ivanka Trump, Ivanka Trump False Image, Lack of Compassion
Human Interest, Smackdowns

New Trump family biography shreds Ivanka Trump as being “fake” and “so opposite the image she puts out there.” Vanity Fair reporter Emily Jane Fox has been speaking out in the wake of the release of her new book last week, Born Trump: Inside America’s First Family.” Fox makes the case in her book that to truly […]
By Samuel Warde on
Crimes against humanity, Cruel Immigration Policy, Federal Judge Rebukes Administration Immigration Policy, Immigration policy, Rogue Administration, Separating Refugees at the Border
Abuse of Power, Bigotry, Families, Human Interest, Human Rights, Immigration, Impeachment, Law & Order, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Scandals

Trump’s week went from bad to worse almost as fast as you can snap your fingers, with two devastating blows hitting him on Tuesday. Trump was flying high yesterday in the wake of the Supreme Court upholding his travel ban. “SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS TRUMP TRAVEL BAN. Wow!” he tweeted caught up in the excitement of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Council of Europe, Immigration Controversy, Moral Leadership, Nobel Peace Prize, Nobel Prize Committee, Obama wins Nobel, President no longer Moral Leader, Thorbjorn Jagland dashes president's hope of winning Nobel
Abuse of Power, Activism, Human Interest, Human Rights, Smackdowns

A member of the Nobel Peace Prize committee blasted Trump over his human rights violations. Thorbjorn Jagland, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe [1] spoke out against Trump and his zero-tolerance policy of dealing with immigrants this week, telling Norwegian broadcaster TV2 that “[Trump] is no longer the moral leader of his country or […]