By Samuel Warde on
George Stephanopoulos, Good Morning America, Government Witness, Michael Cohen, Putting Country First, Putting Family First, Robert Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion, Russian Election Tampering
Controversy, Impeachment, Interviews, Law & Order, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal

Trump’s longtime personal attorney and fixer tells Good Morning America: “I will not be a punching bag as part of anyone’s defense strategy.” ABC‘s “Good Morning America” aired an off-camera interview with Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen on Monday. Cohen hinted at flipping on Trump once he learns the charges to be filed against him […]
By Samuel Warde on
Crimes against humanity, Cruel Immigration Policy, Federal Judge Rebukes Administration Immigration Policy, Immigration policy, Rogue Administration, Separating Refugees at the Border
Abuse of Power, Bigotry, Families, Human Interest, Human Rights, Immigration, Impeachment, Law & Order, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Scandals

Trump’s week went from bad to worse almost as fast as you can snap your fingers, with two devastating blows hitting him on Tuesday. Trump was flying high yesterday in the wake of the Supreme Court upholding his travel ban. “SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS TRUMP TRAVEL BAN. Wow!” he tweeted caught up in the excitement of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Impeaachment, Impeachment Approval High, More Americans Support Impeachment, Polling, Presidential Pardon
Abuse of Power, Impeachment, Polls

Trump is going to lose it when he sees his latest approval figures compared to those regarding impeachment and pardoning himself. Things keep going from bad to worse for Trump these days. His former campaign manager is sitting in jail awaiting trial after his bail was revoked for witness tampering; the likelihood of his personal […]
By Samuel Warde on
Cooperating Witnesses, Flipping on Trump, Michael Cohen, Mueller investigation, Mueller Investigation Closes In, Paul Manafort, Robert Mueller, Trump Foundation Crimes
25th Amendment, Abuse of Power, Corruption, Impeachment, Law & Order, Robert Mueller

Fate delivered 3 bombs to the Trump administration in less than a week, each of them having the potential to end his presidency. Trump appeared to be on Cloud Nine last week after his so-called “Summit” with North Korean Kim Jong-un with visions of winning the Nobel Peace Prize bouncing around like sugar plums in […]
By Samuel Warde on
David Cay Johnston, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Impeachment, Investigative Journalism, President Nancy Pelosi, Treason, Trump Crime Family, Vengeance
Abuse of Power, Activism, Impeachment, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Scandals, Smackdowns, Treason

David Cay Johnston talks Trump and dares to dream about impeachment and President Nancy Pelosi during an in-depth interview with Salon. Chauncey DeVega, a politics staff writer for Salon, had an opportunity to interview Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist David Cay Johnston for his week podcast, The Chauncey DeVega Show. Providing some background for the interview, […]