By Samuel Warde on
anti-gay activism, anti-gay legislation, conservative values and hypocrisy, discrimination against gays, discrimination against lgbt community, Gay Marriage, Lawmakers Caught Being Gay, Legislation protecting gay rights, LGBTQ Protections at risk, Protecting the LGBT community
Conservatives, Discrimination, Human Interest, Human Rights, LGBT Issues, Supreme Court

Anti-gay activists and lawmakers are hoping to strip the LGBTQ community of any and all protections with Trump’s pending Supreme Court appointment. Trump started out his presidency weakening protections for members of the LGBTQ community by revoking President Obama’s guidelines regarding transgender bathrooms. CNBC reported that, with the upcoming retirement of Anthony Kennedy, Trump has another […]
By Samuel Warde on
Canada Apologizes to LGBT Community, LGBT Community, LGBTQ2
Activism, LGBT Issues, Social Justice, World News

Canada’s Prime Minister openly wept while giving a heartfelt apology to Canada’s LGBTQ2 community for prior persecution. The Toronto Star reports that: “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has formally apologized for the ‘tragic act of discrimination’ that saw hundreds of civil servants the target of a decades-long ‘witch hunt’ because of their sexual orientation.” Speaking in […]
By Samuel Warde on
homophobia, Karma, Karmic Justice, LGBT discrimination
Discrimination, Elections, LGBT Issues, Uncategorized

You are gonna love the way sweet karma is kicking this homophobic Republican right square in the butt. One of the country’s most conservative lawmakers was ousted from office by the first transgender person ever elected to office in a state legislature, as reported by ABC News. “In a historic bid, Democrat Danica Roem beat […]
By Samuel Warde on
Christian Blogging, Defending Barack Obama, Fox News Kool-Aid, John Pavlovitz, Make America Great Again
Activism, Bullying, LGBT Issues, Racial Issues, Right Wing Fanatics, Social Justice

Fed up, a Christian blogger hits back at the so-called complaints of Trump supporters. Christian blogger John Pavlovitz, who describes himself as “an 18-year ministry veteran trying to figure out how to love people well and to live-out the red letters of Jesus,” doesn’t hold back when it comes to taking on controversial subjects on his self-titled blog […]
By Samuel Warde on
marriage equality, Sophia Petrillo, Sophia Petrillo Marriage Equality, The Golden Girls
Activism, Entertainment, LGBT Issues, Marriage Equality

The Golden Girls‘ Sophia Petrillo perfectly explains marriage equality. “The Golden Girls” was a television sitcom that originally aired on NBC from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992. The show was groundbreaking on several fronts – to include not only LGBT issues, but also drug abuse, HIV/AIDS, female sexuality, elder care, immigration policy, death, and […]