By Brandon Weber on
Affordable Care act, civil rights, Civil Rights Act of 1964, End of Slavery, Fighting Bigotry, Fighting Poverty, Interracial Marriage, Jobs and Banking Reform, Liberal Victories, liberals, Living wages, Marriage equality for all, National Labor Relations Act, Progressive Values, progressive victories, Progressives, Right to Vote, Social Security, The Liberal Agenda, The New Deal, Voting Rights Act of 1965, worker's rights
Civil Rights, Equal Pay, Equal Rights, Liberals, Progressives, Voting, Wages, Workers rights

Here are but a few of the liberal victories that improved our country in the last 200 years — some after rather massive battles. If you look at the record … it’s clear that eventually, inevitably, Liberals always win. Even with the recent unpleasantness. Don’t believe me? Check out a few examples of liberal accomplishments the […]
By Samuel Warde on
2018 midterms, blue wave, Democrats Dominate Midterm Elections, Karl Rove Predicts Blue Wave, Liberal Victory, midterm elections, Progressive Victory
Democrats, Elections, Liberals, Progressives

Carl Rove, former senior adviser to George W. Bush says that Trump should lower his expectations for the midterm elections this November. Karl Rove, the former Deputy Chief of Staff and senior adviser to President George W. Bush, spoke out about the upcoming midterm elections during a Monday appearance on Fox News Channel‘s “America’s Newsroom.” The […]
By Samuel Warde on
being liberal in America, Famous quotes about being liberal, quotes liberalism as a virtue, top quotes about being liberal, why the left is right
Liberals, Quotes

An extensive collection of quotes about being liberal. Below is an extensive list of quotes by famous authors, celebrities, politicians and newsmakers about being liberal. These quotes have withstood the passage of time. Indeed, many of them are more relevant today than they were when first uttered. “Of all the varieties of virtues, liberalism is […]
By Samuel Warde on
beating back elite corporate centrism, Bernie Sanders has already won, Bernie Sanders leads a Political Revolution, Democrats are moving to the left, empowering the American progressive movement, Enlarging America's Political Conversation and Possibilities, Political revolution in america, Progressive Politics in America today
Activism, Bernie Sanders, Democrats, Election 2016, Liberals, Progressives

The candidacy of Bernie Sanders has already won by “enlarging America’s political conversation and possibilities,” by beating back elite establishment corporate centrism and by empowering the American progressive movement to learn that they have a voice. Win, lose or draw – Bernie Sanders has already won. The primary season is in full swing with the […]
By Samuel Warde on
16 ways to know you are a liberal, How to tell if you are a liberal or a conservative, Humor, Liberalism versus conservatism, liberals, Lists, There are a lot of tell-tale ways to know if you are a conservative or liberal - these are but a few, You are a liberal if
Conservatives, Liberals, Politics

You know you are a liberal if…. 1. You can define socialism and use it properly in a sentence. 2. You believe reproductive health decisions are private matters that should be determined by a woman and medical care professionals and NOT legislators. 3. You think that sexual relations between two consenting adults is their personal […]