By Whatever Jones on
anti-choice, Brett Kavanaugh, Bryan Fischer, Evangelical Christians, Jesus, Satan
Extremists, Misogyny, Right Wing Fanatics

The Republican War on Women is rapidly reaching new heights. Donald Trump, who has been accused of sexual assault and bragged about grabbing women’s genitals, made it to the Oval Office, and yesterday, accused rapist Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice. Evangelical Christians are doing a happy dance because candidate Trump […]
By Samuel Warde on
#MeToo, American women in the Trump era, Assault Victims, Democratic norms shattered, MeToo Movement, misogyny, Republican party endangering women, Republican war on institutions, Republican war on traditions, Republicans on the wrong side of history, victim blaming, Victim Shaming, victims rights, Women in America
Abuse of Power, Corruption, Human Interest, Misogyny, The Courts

Seth Abramson has some chilling words regarding the long term impact of the Republican decision to ignore sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. Editor’s Note: Samuel Wynn Warde is the editor-in-chief of Liberals Unite as well as a contributor. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. You can view a list of his articles here. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Brett Kavanaugh allegations, Conservative Misogyny, misogyny, Republican Disregard for womens bodies, Republican haste to confirm Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh, Republican Misogyny, Republican obstruction, Republicans Indifference to Women, Seth Abramson
Congressional Hearings, Congressional Investigations, Conservatives, Misogyny, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Indifference, Republicans

“Given Ramirez’s corroboration, the ample time to hear from her, and the gravity of the vote, this is as obscene a statement of the GOP’s disregard for women’s bodies as we’ve ever seen.” ~Seth Abramson Editor’s Note: Samuel Wynn Warde is the editor-in-chief of Liberals Unite as well as a contributor. The opinions expressed in this commentary […]
By Samuel Warde on
Brett Kavanaugh allegations, Republican Disregard for womens bodies, Republican haste to confirm Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh, Republican Misogyny, Republican obstruction, Seth Abramson
Abuse of Power, Congressional Hearings, Human Interest, Legal Justice, Misogyny, Republican Indifference, Republicans, SCOTUS, The Courts, Women's Issues

“Given Ramirez’s corroboration, the ample time to hear from her, and the gravity of the vote, this is as obscene a statement of the GOP’s disregard for women’s bodies as we’ve ever seen.” ~Seth Abramson Editor’s Note: Samuel Wynn Warde is the editor-in-chief of Liberals Unite as well as a contributor. The opinions expressed in this […]
By Whatever Jones on
Hate Crimes, hatred toward women, misogyny, Nicholas D’Agostino, Texas shooting, women drivers
Crime, Misogyny

29-year-old Nicholas D’Agostino of Katy, Texas is behind bars for repeatedly shooting at female drivers out of his hatred toward women. Houston’s Fox 26 reports that Harris County prosecutors say D’Agostino was acting on his hatred towards women drivers, and they’ve cited a number of social media posts in which he complained about their incompetence. […]