By Samuel Warde on
19 Children And Counting, The Duggars
Controversy, LGBT Issues, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Right Wing Fanatics

The Duggars might be broke according to a report by OK! Magazine. The Stars of the recently cancelled “19 Kids And Counting” series are reportedly losing “their $45,000-per-episode paychecks along with endorsement deals, sponsorships, speaking engagements and royalties, which could amount to a ‘$25 million or more a year’ loss in total,” according to OK! […]
By Samuel Warde on
Discrimination, Gay Marriage, gay rights., LGBT Issues, Religious Fanatics, Right Wing Fanatics, Women's issues
Civil Rights, Discrimination, gay marriage, gay rights, LGBT Issues, Politics, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, Social Justice, Women's Issues

Distressed over the Supreme Courts’ recent decision in Obergefell vs. Hodges, recognizing marriage equality as a Constitutional right, Republicans in Congress have introduced a bill that would legalize discrimination against gay couples. Described by Slate as “a bizarre bill,” The basic purpose of the absurdly titled First Amendment Defense Act is presented squarely in its […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
LGBT Issues, Religious Fanatics
LGBT Issues, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Videos

Imagine growing up in an evangelical Christian household, and imagine how it might feel to realize you’re gay. For many teenagers, that realization is terrifying. They fear they will be rejected by their families and communities. The sad truth is that many homosexuals are rejected by their families because of their sexual orientation. Matthew Vines […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fanatics, Humor, LGBT Issues, marriage equality, Mrs Betty Bowers, Religious Fanaticism, Videos
Activism, gay marriage, gay rights, Humor, LGBT Issues, Religious Fanaticism, Religious Intolerance, Videos

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian, is at it again – this time taking on Christian Extremist Becky Wegner Rommel. A couple of days ago, “Queerty was the first to report on the 64-year-old Indiana housewife’s recorded meltdown over marriage equality. It included tears, screaming, yelling, crying for Jesus, and jabs at gays, gay-loving Christians, Muslims, women who […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
marriage equality, Republicans, SCOTUS
LGBT Issues, Religion, Religious Intolerance, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics

The Supreme Court will deliver their ruling on Marriage Equality very soon and it appears Democrats, liberals, every member of the LGBT community (and those who love them) will see another progressive victory. While the GOP is still reeling from the Obamacare victory, the party will be slammed once again when the Supreme Court grants […]