By Samuel Warde on
American's Right Leaning Youth, Best and the Brightest, CJ Pearson, conservative, Conservative Prominence, fraud, Teen Activists, The Left's Youngest Nightmare, Unapologetically Republican
Activism, Conservatives, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Media, Right-Wing Myths, Right-Wing Propaganda, Smackdowns

Another one of “the best and the brightest” floats to the top. If you have been paying any attention to social media, you have probably come across the likes of CJ Pearson. Born July 21, 2002, Pearson promotes himself as “The Left’s Youngest Nightmare.” His website offers a short bio boasting of his humble liberal roots […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fox News, Fox News hits all-time low, Fox News rips dying POW, Fox News rips John McCain, Gen Thomas McInerney, General Thomas McInerney, John McCain, Songbird John, Thomas McInerney
Bullying, Fake News, False Claims, Fox News, Right Wing Hatred, Right-Wing Media

Trump supporters are now going on Fox News and smearing the service and POW status of a dying man – Arizona Senator John McCain. The Washington Post reported on the incident, first reminding readers of Trump’s attack on Sen. John McCain during the 2016 campaign: Well, President Trump has said he wants to “fight fire with […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alt-Right Battles Globalists, Breitbart News, Breitbart Wages War On Ivanka Trump Jared Kushner, General John Kelly, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, White House Globalists
Activism, Controversy, Extremists, Right Wing Fanatics, Right-Wing Media

Alleged infighting between Trump supporters and ‘globalist’ White House staff members is evidence of “some kind of coup” according to alt-right website. Breitbart News, the alt-right flagship and home to former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, published an interview with pizzagate activist Mike Cernovich to assist their fight against Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump and […]
By Samuel Warde on
Boycott Rush Limbaugh Sponsors, Boycotting Right Wing Media, BoycottRush, FlushRush, iheart media conservative hate radio, iHeart Media Formerly Clear channel fighting bankruptcy, IHeart Media home to Rush Limbaugh Glenn Beck Michael Savage Sean Hannity, media hate-monger Morton Downey Jr, national boycott against Rush Limbaugh, Right Wing Media losing sponsors, StopRush
Activism, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Media

Got Karma?! iHeart Media – the home to conservative hate radio shows like those by Rush Limbaugh are struggling to avoid bankruptcy. Bob Pittman, president of iHeart Media (formally Clear Channel Communications), had to dash to San Antonio last week to beg a judge for a restraining order to keep creditors from putting the company into default/bankruptcy. Well, what […]
By Samuel Warde on
12 Obama Quotes Conservatives Love To Hate, a political scam operation, are Donald Trump supporters brown shirts, Ben Carson campaign a possible scam, Fear and Loathing on the 2016 Campaign Trail, Insanity Struck The Republican Campaign Trail, is Donald Trump grooming brown shirts, Modern Republicans condemn the Emancipation Proclamation, possible Trump tax bombshell, Sheriff Joe Arpaio pink panties, the Grand Old Party’s base, Trump proposed the deportation of all Muslims, Trump’s nascent movement of thugs and fanatics
Election 2016, Politics, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Hatred, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Media

Insanity seems to have taken over this week in the wake of the latest outbreak of bad-craziness from the Republican campaign trail. Don’t believe me? Take a look at these headlines from this week: 1. Mitt Romney Warns of Possible ‘Bombshell’ in Trump’s Taxes – While I get that establishment Republicans want to go all-out […]