By Samuel Warde on
Big Business, Corruption, politics, Social Justice
Corruption, Economics, Politics, Social Justice, Videos

A recent study by Princeton University shows that American democracy is under attack by rich people and corporate interests that have an ever increasingly powerful grip on U.S. government policy, that public opinion has “near-zero” impact on U.S. law. The study, entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, was published […]
By Samuel Warde on
Interviews, Iraq War, Jon Stewart, Judith Miller, The Iraq War, Videos, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Defense, Foreign Policy, History, Interviews, Right Wing Lies, Smackdowns, Videos

Jon Stewart grilled noted New York Times reporter Judith Miller on Wednesday for her coverage of the “alleged” weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that led up to the war there. Stewart began The Daily Show interview reminding Miller that “my feeling has always been – and you probably know this about me – is […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Speeches, Videos, White House Correspondents Dinnes
Barack Obama, Entertainment, Humor, Speeches, Videos

The White House Correspondents Dinner — the night when Washington decides to celebrate itself. As the President said, “Somebody’s got to do it.” Ever since the first one kicked off in 1920, the political press corps, members of the Administration, the President, and a few famous faces have gathered to celebrate the importance of journalism […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bobby Jindal, John Fugelsang, LGBT Issues, religious freedom, Religious Freedom Laws, The Ed Show, Videos
Activism, Interviews, LGBT Issues, Religious Intolerance, Smackdowns, Videos

John Fugelsang destroyed Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) in an epic smackdown on Friday’s edition of The Ed Show, while discussing Louisiana’s pending Religious Freedom law. Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, who was subbing for Ed Schultz, began by discussing the controversy surrounding a recent New York Times op-ed piece by the right-wing governor. At issue, were […]
By Samuel Warde on
Celebrity Roasts, Howard Stern, Racial Issues, Racism, Videos
Racial Issues, Religious Intolerance, Right Wing Hatred, Videos, Weird News

Back in March of 2006, the Howard Stern Show hosted one of the most bizarre celebrity roasts of all time – that of Imperial Wizard and Grand Dragon of the “Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan” – Daniel Carver. A regular on the program for several years, Carver was even profiled by Rolling […]