By Samuel Warde on
Billionaires Storm White House, Billionaires Take Washington DC, California Federation of Teachers, Ed Asner Tax The Rich, Trump Conflict of Interests, Trump Tax Rich, Viral Video Tax The Rich
Activism, Tax Policy, Taxes, Videos, Viral Videos

Controversy rages as billionaires storm over the White House, making this the perfect time to review this video starring Ed Asner. Now is a good time to look back on an animated classic, “Tax the Rich,” that was narrated by Hollywood Legend Ed Asner, considering the string of wealthy millionaires and billionaires serving in Trump’s cabinet […]
By Samuel Warde on
Animals, Earth Island Journal, Great Whale Conservancy, Inspirational, Marine Park, Nature, Safeguarding American Waters, Videos, Whales, Wildlife Conservation
Activism, Animals, Human Interest, Nature, Videos, Viral Videos

This is flipping amazing… A heartwarming story captured in film at the beautiful Sea of Cortez. While sailing in the Sea of Cortez with his family on Valentines Day 2011, Michael Fishbach — a staff member of Earth Island Institute’s Campaign to Safeguard America’s Waters and co-director the Great Whale Conservancy — came across a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bush Cheney Guity of War Crimes, George Bush Dick Cheney war criminals, Iraq War, Tomas Young Letter To Bush Cheney, war crimes in iraq
Activism, History, Videos, Viral Videos, War

Tomas Young reminded the world in 2013 that Bush and Cheney were responsible for the Iraq War, long before any official confirmation. In March of 2013 paralyzed Iraq veteran Tomas Young reminded the world in a powerful letter about who was to blame for Iraq – former Pres. George W. Bush and his vice president, […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Proud Wounded War Veterans Like You’ve Never Seen Them Before (Video), Wounded War Vets Pose For Photo Shoot
Military, Veterans Affairs, Viral Videos

Photographer Michael Stokes portrays America’s wounded veterans in a way we haven’t seen before. Dozens of vets have posed for Stokes in an effort to show, that despite battle wounds, they are strong, fit and happy. Bobby Henline is a former staff sergeant who was badly wounded on his face and limbs by an […]
By Samuel Warde on
Celebrate the Global Power of Women, Elle, gender equality, This Video Will Make Women Storm Their Male Boss's Office, Videos, Viral Videos, Women's issues
Activism, Discrimination, Gender Equality, Videos, Viral Videos, Women's Issues

Elle Magazine has created a new video showcasing what happens when women are Photoshopped out of images in the workplace and in politics. Quartz reports that the video is a “series of disheartening images that serve an inspiring purpose,” adding that the video is part of a #morewomen campaign “launched by the magazine to elevate […]