By Samuel Warde on
Fox News, Fox News Hosts Stunned, Harris Faulkner, Melissa Francis, Rudy Giuliani, Seth Abramson, Trump Tower Meeting
Fox News, Rudy Giuliani, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal, Weird News

The moment a Fox New host realizes Rudy Giuliani is lying to her in the middle of a live broadcast. Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney, Seth Abramson, weighed in on an amazing Monday segment from Fox News program”Outnumbered.” Abramson linked to a Mediaite article covering the segment, and we have included the original Fox […]
By Samuel Warde on
Government Run Media, Government-led propaganda, Media, Propaganda, Sputnik, State Run Media, State Sponsored Media, state sponsored propaganda
Activism, Humor, Propaganda, State Sponsored Media, Weird News

It appears that Trump has angered his master – Russian President Vladimir Putin – with this kind of mockery happening on official state-run Russian media. Russian news agency, Sputnik, has been having fun at the expense of Trump. For those unfamiliar with the news agency, Sputnik, formerly known as “The Voice of Russia,” is an […]
By Samuel Warde on
Decline of American Democracy, Diplomatic Treason, Foreign Intervention to save America, Invading America, Restoring Civil Liberty, Restoring Democratic Norms in America, Saving America, Saving American Democracy
Abuse of Power, Foreign Policy, Human Interest, Human Rights, Smackdowns, Weird News

Former Canadian diplomat makes the case for foreign intervention to save America from the Trump regime. American allies are getting sick and tired of Trump and his antics, from his withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement and his violation of the Iran Nuclear deal to his recent trade wars and policy of separating migrant […]
By Samuel Warde on
emmanuel, Emmanuel Macron, house, Kim Jong Un, Macron, Photos, west, white, wing
Weird News, White House

Unbelievable that a U.S. president would adore a dictator so much that he would hang his photos in the White House. Trump has managed to alienate the United States from our closest allies after his withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement and his violation of the Iran Nuclear deal to say nothing of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Appearance of Guilt, Fake News, Mueller Investigation Closes In On President, Presidential Tantrum, Twitter Meltdown, Twitter Storm, Twitter Tantrum, witch hunt
Twitter Tantrums, Weird News

Trump appears to be losing it – at last on Twitter – as Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation appears to be closing in on Paul Manafort – and by extension, Trump himself! In a stunning revelation, The New York Times reported Monday evening that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office has filed documents with the federal court accusing former […]