Barack Obama

10 Major Accomplishments By Obama Since The Mid-Term Elections

10 Major Accomplishments By Obama Since The Mid-Term Elections

The media, both liberal and progressive have not been kind to President Obama since Democrats lost control of both the Senate and House during the November mid-term elections. Many media outlets have declared Obama’s presidency over, Obama himself a “lame duck walking.” However, Obama 2.0 has emerged since the elections as being more powerful than […]

Marco Rubio Slams Pope Francis For His Role In Cuba Deal (VIDEO)

Marco Rubio Slams Pope Francis For His Role In Cuba Deal (VIDEO)

President Barack Obama made history again today with the announcement that the U.S. will normalize relations with Cuba for the first time in 50 years. This will mean both countries will loosen travel restrictions, re-open their embassies and the economic embargo will relax. It will take cooperation from Congress to completely dismantle and do away […]

Ted Cruz Accidentally Saves The Day For Obama’s Immigration Actions

Ted Cruz Accidentally Saves The Day For Obama’s Immigration Actions

Tea Party favorite Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) had already pissed off most of his fellow Republicans by forcing the Senate into session on Saturday when he took things a step further into the land of the ridiculous by accidentally saving the day for President Obama’s immigration actions – at least in a very symbolic way. […]

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