Barack Obama

Proof Republicans Are Racists When It Comes To President Obama

Proof Republicans Are Racists When It Comes To President Obama

There is no doubt that many Republicans are racist when it comes to President Obama. The president has been forced to endure racism, hatred and malicious lies and rumors like no other American president. As Timothy Egan of The New York Times reported last week in an Op/Ed piece, From the day he took office, […]

Ted Cruz Lies To The American People, Vows To Seize Power

Ted Cruz Lies To The American People, Vows To Seize Power

Last Thursday, President Obama announced his executive actions to fix an immigration system that has been broken for decades and Junior Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has taken to the airwaves and the internet to defy those actions and a president he describes as a monarch. Cruz is vowing to seize control and strip Obama’s power […]

Republican Senator Warns Of Violence And Anarchy After Obama’s Immigration Overhaul – VIDEO

Republican Senator Warns Of Violence And Anarchy After Obama’s Immigration Overhaul – VIDEO

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) warns that President Obama’s immigration action could not only result in a political firestorm, but could also spark acts of anarchy, civil disobedience and violence. In an interview with USA Today, Coburn stated that “The country’s going to go nuts, because they’re going to see it as a move outside the […]

House Appropriations Committee Confirms Congress Can’t Defund Obama’s Immigration Actions

House Appropriations Committee Confirms Congress Can’t Defund Obama’s Immigration Actions

America’s immigration system is broken and on Thursday the President announced his executive actions to fix what he can to help build a system that lives up to our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. Our immigration system has been broken for decades. And every day we wait to act, […]

40 Reasons Conservatives Are Wrong About Obama’s Immigration Actions

40 Reasons Conservatives Are Wrong About Obama’s Immigration Actions

Conservative heads are exploding, Fox News is reeling after President Obama’s immigration speech Thursday evening. Ted Cruz, Michele Bachmann, Megyn Kelly and the rest of the peanut gallery are filling the airwaves and internet with cries whimpers of “illegal” “unconstitutional” “impeach” “imprison” and blah blah blah. Here’s the thing, though – as usual, they are […]

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