By Samuel Warde on
Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton Staff Convictions, Corruption in American politics, George W Bush staff convictions, Gerald Ford Staff Convictions, Jimmy Carter Staff Convictions, Obama staff convictions, political corruption, Politics is a dirty business, Richard Nixon Staff Convictions, Ronald Reagan Staff Convictions, White House Corruption, White House Scandals, Who was the most corrupt president
Abuse of Power, Corruption

Trump has beat out Obama, bigly, but if things keep going the way they are now – the Trump administration convictions might surpass those of Richard Nixon. Trump campaigned on draining the swamp, but, by all accounts – the swamp has gotten much larger under his administration. Looking at the Russia investigation, The New York […]
By Samuel Warde on
Benjamin Netanyahu, Bill Clinton, Foreign Affairs, Iran Nuclear Deal, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Secret Recordings, Videos, William Jefferson Clinton, World News
Defense, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, Videos, War, War and Peace, World News

Trump just violated the Iran nuclear deal based – in his own words – on the word of Benjamin Netanyahu which makes this clip particularly relevant today. NOTE FROM THE EDITORS: We venture no opinion about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in this article. We provide only background on the origin of the video and the video itself. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Bill Clinton, Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, Indicting Sitting President, Kenneth Starr, Special Prosecutors
Impeachment, Law & Order, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal

A 56-page memo written by Kenneth Starr has been unearthed that might help bring this nightmare of an administration to an end. The New York Times unearthed a previously undisclosed memo from Kenneth W. Starr’s independent counsel investigation into then-President Bill Clinton. As The New York Times reported: “The 56-page memo, locked in the National Archives for […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Disaster Relief, George HW Bush, George W. Bush, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Harvey Recovery, Hurricane Harvey Relief, Hurricane Relief
Human Interest

All 5 living ex-presidents are teaming up to raise money for victims of Hurricane Harvey. All five leaders – former Presidents Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama – have come together in a video to support relief and recovery efforts in the wake of the devastation left behind by […]
By Samuel Warde on
Articles of Impeachment against Bill Clinton, Articles Of Impeachment Trump, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, Impending Trump Impeachment, Newt Gingrich Defends Donald Trump, Newt Gingrich multiple affairs, Trump Obstructs Justice
Impeachment, Russian Scandal

Serial philanderer Newt Gingrich led the impeachment charge against Bill Clinton, but hypocrisy comes full circle now as he claims Trump is immune as president from those very same charges. On December 19, 1998, the House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton alleging perjury and obstruction of justice for actions […]