By Whatever Jones on
Brett Kavanaugh Scandal, Brian Kilmead, Christine Blasey Ford, Fox & Friends, Fox and Friends, Fox News
Controversy, Fox News, Scandals

In an unexpected twist, Brian Kilmead of Fox & Friends criticized Trump for mocking Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at a rally in Mississippi on Tuesday, saying he blew it. Host Kilmead said, “The tactic of the president laying low has been lauded by all sides. Last night he chose to blow it.” Speaking to a cheering crowd […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fox News, racism in politics, Republican Supporting White Nationalists, Republicans Embrace White Nationalists, The Southern Strategy, White Extremists Support Republicans, white nationalists, White Nationalists within the GOP, White Supremacist scheme to take over GOP
Bigotry, Extremists, Fox News, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, Twitter Battles, White Nationalists

Former strategist to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry clears up some nonsense posted by Fox News on their Twitter page. Democratic strategist Peter Daou has advised several major Democratic political figures over the years to include two of the last three Democratic nominees for president – John Kerry and, most recently, Hillary Clinton. Daou was […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ambush Journalism, Bill Moyers, Bill O'Reilly, Fox News, Porter Berry
Activism, Fox News, Smackdowns

A Fox News producer ambushed Bill Moyers, but got a taste of his own medicine when Moyers turned the tables on him on camera back in 2008. At the National Conference for Media Reform 2008, former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s producer Porter Berry ambushed Bill Moyers, peppering him with questions regarding his political affiliations […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fox News, John Roberts, Lanny Davis, Lanny J. Davis, Michael Cohen, Michael Cohen Guilty Plea, Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty, Paul Manafort Found Guilty

The hits keep coming for Team Trump, with Fox News Chief White House Correspondent John Roberts tweeting out a massive bombshell that could spell the beginning of the end. To say today was a bad day for the White House and team Trump would be the understatement of the decade, if not longer. Former criminal […]
By Samuel Warde on
Brit Hume, Debunking Fox News Lies, Embarrassing Tweets, Fact-Checking Fox News Hosts, Fox News, Fox News Lies, Fox News Reality Check, Twitter Truth Bombs
Debunking Right Wing Lies, Fact-Checking Lies, False Claims, Fox News, Smackdowns, Twitter Battles

Seth Abramson wasn’t holding anything back when he unleashed a Twitter post on Fox News political analyst Brit Hume. Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney, Seth Abramson, has been publishing extensive Twitter threads and mega-threads regarding the ongoing investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia since autumn 2016. Outspoken, Abramson has […]