By Samuel Warde on
anti-gay activism, anti-gay legislation, conservative values and hypocrisy, discrimination against gays, discrimination against lgbt community, Gay Marriage, Lawmakers Caught Being Gay, Legislation protecting gay rights, LGBTQ Protections at risk, Protecting the LGBT community
Conservatives, Discrimination, Human Interest, Human Rights, LGBT Issues, Supreme Court

Anti-gay activists and lawmakers are hoping to strip the LGBTQ community of any and all protections with Trump’s pending Supreme Court appointment. Trump started out his presidency weakening protections for members of the LGBTQ community by revoking President Obama’s guidelines regarding transgender bathrooms. CNBC reported that, with the upcoming retirement of Anthony Kennedy, Trump has another […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alabama Gay Marriage Ban, Gay Marriage, Kim Davis, Pope Francis, Pope Met With Gay Couple, Vatican Declares Kim Davis Meeting Was Non An Endorsement
Controversy, gay marriage, gay rights, Human Interest, Religion, Religious Fanaticism, Videos

The Vatican confirmed that Pope Francis’ meeting with embattled Kentucky clerk Kim Davis was not an endorsement of her views in a statement issued Friday morning. The Rev. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, issued the statement, stating in part that: “The pope did not enter into the details of the situation of Mrs. Davis, and […]
By Samuel Warde on
embattled kentucky clerk switches parties and becomes a republican, Gay Marriage, gay rights., Kim Davis, Kim Davis becomes a republican, kim davis switches party, LGBT Issues, Republicans
Bigotry, gay marriage, Politics, Republicans, Videos

Embattled Rowan Country Kentucky clerk Kim Davis has switched political parties, becoming a Republican. Davis was in the national spotlight after defying a federal court order requiring that she issue marriage licenses following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. The situation kicked off a nationwide controversy regarding same-sex marriage and states rights. […]
By Samuel Warde on
Discrimination, Gay Marriage, Kim Davis, Religious Fanaticism, Videos
Controversy, Discrimination, gay marriage, Religious Fanaticism, Videos

Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk recently jailed for refusing to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples, returned to work on Monday – saying she will not stop her deputy clerks from issuing licenses. Although the governor’s office and the county attorney are saying that licenses issued by her deputies are valid, Davis is questioning […]
By Samuel Warde on
Gay Marriage, Kim Davis, Law & Order, Marriage Equallity, Religious Intolerance, The Courts
gay marriage, gay rights, Law & Order, Religious Intolerance, The Courts

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis has been taken into custody and jailed after being summoned to federal court on contempt charges stemming from her refusal to issue any marriage licenses in the wake of the recent Supreme Court ruling making marriage equality the law of the land. The controversy came to a head on Monday […]