By Whatever Jones on
Democrats, Joe Manchin, Joe Scarborough, Mar, Marsha Blackburn, Republicans. midterm election, Steve Schmidt, Trumpism
Elections, Republicans

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough talked with former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt about the outlook for Republicans this November, and it’s not good. Schmidt, who was John McCain’s campaign manager in 2008, trashed and ridiculed the Republican Party, saying there are too many “kooks” and “nutballs.” Scarborough pointed out there are at least five red states that […]
By Whatever Jones on
Donny Deutsch, Joe Scarborough, John Heilmann, Kellyanne Conway, Morning Jow, NYT op-ed
Politics, White House Scandals

As the nation tries to figure out who wrote the scathing New York Times op-ed about how amoral and unfit Donald Trump is to serve as POTUS, panelists on MSNBC’s Morning Joe threw out the possibility that it’s Kellyanne Conway. Guest John Heilamann cited a column in Esquire in which the author, Charles Pierce, wrote […]
By Samuel Warde on
Epic Sarcasm, Epic Twitter Trolling, Joe Scarborough, Sarcastic Tweets, Twitter Battles, White House hypocrisy
Activism, Bullying, Human Interest, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrums

“Morning Joe” Scarborough had the perfect response when Trump hypocrisy reared its ugly head on Twitter. The Washington Post published an opinion piece this week noting that Trump has learned that cheating is an invaluable tool when it comes to dominating the daily news cycle. “Winning the news cycle,” involves a fierce competition to push […]
By Samuel Warde on
#nevertrump, Activism, Bill Kristol, Caroline O, Conservative Resistance, Conservatives Bash White House, Conservatives Join TheResistance, Jeff Flake, JK Rowling, Joe Scarborough, Joe Walsh, Join the Resistance, never trump, Richard Painter, Ron Perlman, Seth Abramson, Stephen King, Stuart Stevens, Ted Lieu, TheResistance
Activism, Never Trump, Online Activism, Resistance, The Resistance, Twitter, Twitter Trends

Being anti-Trump – it’s not just for liberals and progressives anymore. Check out these conservatives who are part of The Resistance and Never Trump movements. There are dozens of liberals and progressives actively posting against Trump using Twitter – his favorite method of communication. There are celebrities such as actor Ron Perlman, the king of […]
By Samuel Warde on
Criminal Conspiracy, Devin Nunes, Joe Scarborough, Joe Scarborough Rants, Morning Joe, Obstruction of Justice, Rants, Smackdowns
Congress, Republican Logic, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal, Scandals, Smackdowns

Fed up with Trump co-conspirator Devin Nunes – Scarborough went off on him Tuesday morning, stating his actions and those of Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy amount to “A sleazy political purge that we’ve seen unfolding before our eyes to feed the paranoid and maniacal desires of Donald Trump” “Morning Joe” Scarborough doesn’t mince words when […]