By Samuel Warde on
Cooperating Witnesses, Flipping on Trump, Michael Cohen, Mueller investigation, Mueller Investigation Closes In, Paul Manafort, Robert Mueller, Trump Foundation Crimes
25th Amendment, Abuse of Power, Corruption, Impeachment, Law & Order, Robert Mueller

Fate delivered 3 bombs to the Trump administration in less than a week, each of them having the potential to end his presidency. Trump appeared to be on Cloud Nine last week after his so-called “Summit” with North Korean Kim Jong-un with visions of winning the Nobel Peace Prize bouncing around like sugar plums in […]
By Samuel Warde on
Election Meddling, Election Tampering, Foreign Election Meddling, Protecting American Democracy, rigged elections, Robert Mueller, Russian Election Interference
Elections, Law & Order, Midterm Elections, National Security, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation

With only five months left before the midterm elections, Mueller says that election tampering by Russian individuals and entities continues. While the world was watching the drama with the North Korea Summit meeting playing out, the wheels of justice were quietly humming in the background. NBC News reported earlier this week that Special Counsel Robert […]
By Samuel Warde on
Ahmed Al-Rumaihi, Al-Rumaihi, Bribery, Conspiracy to Obstruct, Michael Avenatti, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Qatari Investor Bribery Plot, Qatari Investors, Robert Mueller, Stormy Daniels
Activism, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Seth Abramson

After a whirlwind weekend of threats and cryptic tweets by Stormy Daniels’ attorney it would appear that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has Trump in checkmate. Michael Avenatti has been taking Twitter trolling to new heights, proving again and again his mastery over Trump and his legal team – outmaneuvering them at every step and this […]
By Samuel Warde on
Criminal Mastermind, Criminal Minds, Imminent Impeachment, Impeachment Certainty Now, Impeachment Imminent, Mueller on of the world's greatest criminal minds, Obstruction of Justice, Perfect Trap, perjury, Robert Mueller, Russia investigation
Impeachment, Law & Order, Legal Justice, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation

Former criminal investigator and prosecutor explains how Robert Mueller now has Trump trapped in a corner he cannot escape. In a bombshell article, The New York Times reported last night that “Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel investigating Russia’s election interference, has at least four dozen questions on an exhaustive array of subjects he […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fox News Lies, Phil Mudd, Robert Mueller, Sean Hannity
Fact-Checking Lies, Fox News, Smackdowns

CNN’s Phil Mudd defended Robert Mueller after Sean Hannity called him a crime boss. Former CIA officer and current CNN contributor Phil Mudd didn’t hold anything back when defending Robert Mueller after Trump promoted a Sean Hannity episode calling Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller a crime boss. Mudd was appearing on the April 12 edition of CNN […]