By Samuel Warde on
Best Insult, Best Put Downs, Conservatives Battling Liberals, Facebook Battles, Roy Moore, Social Media Fights Back, Social Media Smackdowns
Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles

Roy Moore is back and he’s begging for money to fight members of the LGBT community, who he claims have joined forces with those who believe in abortion, sodomy, and destruction of the American way of life. You all should remember Judge Roy Moore – you know – the racist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic Islamophobe who was tossed from the […]
By Samuel Warde on
American Freedom Party, Anti-Defamation League, Caleb Shumaker, Hate Groups, National Youth Front, Nationalist Movement, Roy Moore, Southern Poverty Law Center, white nationalists, white supremacists
Controversy, Discrimination, Extremists, Hate groups, Right Wing Fanatics, Scandals

It seems that Roy Moore was fooled by a former white nationalist leader falsely claiming to have a super PAC that helped power Trump’s 2016 victory. His campaign in disarray, it seems that Roy Moore has added a whole new problem to his already tarnished reputation when his campaign announced his endorsement by “Pro-Trump Super […]
By Samuel Warde on
Internet Smackdowns, Ivanka Hypocrisy, Ivanka Trump, Roy Moore, Scandals, Twitter Smackdowns
Celebrity, Controversy, Scandals, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles

Ivanka Trump receives multiple knockout blows on social media after being exposed as a hypocrite when it comes to her father. As the Associated Press reported, “Trump dodged questions about the turmoil in the Alabama Senate race on Wednesday, declining to join national Republicans who’ve called for Roy Moore to abandon the race amid allegations […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Alabama GOP, Elections, Mitch McConnell, Republicans, Roy Moore, Women
Elections, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics

On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he believes the women who’ve accused Alabama Senate Republican candidate, Roy Moore of sexual misconduct according to Politico. McConnell told reporters, “I think he should step aside,” and added, “I believe the women, yes.” The Majority Leader’s latest statements about Moore are a departure from what he said just days ago: “If these allegations are […]
By Samuel Warde on
Humor, LGBT Issues, Roy Moore
Humor, LGBT Issues, States Issues, The Courts

Conservatives are flipping out over news that The Birmingham News, Alabama’s largest newspaper, published a Readers Poll on Sunday asking “Is Roy Moore a Closeted Homosexual.” The poll, created by news commentator Kyle Whitemore, was in response to recent controversy surrounding a January 23rd ruling by U.S. District Judge Callie Granade, who ruled the state’s […]