By Samuel Warde on
anti-gay activism, anti-gay legislation, conservative values and hypocrisy, discrimination against gays, discrimination against lgbt community, Gay Marriage, Lawmakers Caught Being Gay, Legislation protecting gay rights, LGBTQ Protections at risk, Protecting the LGBT community
Conservatives, Discrimination, Human Interest, Human Rights, LGBT Issues, Supreme Court

Anti-gay activists and lawmakers are hoping to strip the LGBTQ community of any and all protections with Trump’s pending Supreme Court appointment. Trump started out his presidency weakening protections for members of the LGBTQ community by revoking President Obama’s guidelines regarding transgender bathrooms. CNBC reported that, with the upcoming retirement of Anthony Kennedy, Trump has another […]
By Samuel Warde on
bullying, Discrimination, Racism, Racism in America today, Road Rage
Bigotry, Bullying, Discrimination, Racial Issues, Racial Justice

“This is my country!” California driver launches a racist tirade against a U.S. veteran. The Mercury News reported late last week that “A woman went into a racist tirade against a Korean-American Air Force veteran during a road rage incident captured on video, calling the man an ‘ugly Chinese.’” James Ahn, a Fremont resident from Seoul, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Democracy, Democratic Norms, Due Process of Law, Good Ole Boy Network, Nationalist Agenda, Racism, Racist Agenda, White Men protecting White Men, White Nationalism, white supremacy
Bigotry, Democracy, Discrimination, Extremists, Militants, Misogyny, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Indifference, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, White Nationalists

CNN legal analyst & Supreme Court biographer doesn’t hold back when it comes to expressing disgust for Trump’s sustained attack on American rights. Trump has done everything he can to destroy civil discourse and democratic norms that have protected Americans for over two hundred years. CNN legal analyst Joan Biskupic wrote a scathing article this weekend ripping […]
By Samuel Warde on
Auto Lenders, Discrimination, Dishonorable President of the United States, Fiery Congress Debate, Financial Services, Loan Discrimination, Maxine Waters, racial discrimination, Racial Discrimination by Auto Lenders
Congressional Hearings, Debates, Discrimination, Racial Issues, Racial Justice, Smackdowns

Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters fought back with a vengeance when “Make America Great Again” spewing Republican congressman tried to silence her. Maxine Waters schooled a MAGA-spouting Republican who tried to interrupt her. All hell broke loose on on Wednesday in the hallowed hall of the House of Representatives when Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters unleashed a […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alt Right Movement, Charlottesville Rally, Charlottesville Tragedy, Hate Groups, Organized Fear, Southern Poverty Law Firm, Storm Front, Traditionalist Worker Party, Unite the Right rally, White Nationalist Groups, white nationalists, white supremacists
Bigotry, Bullying, Discrimination, Extremists, Racial Issues, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, White Nationalists

Is the alt-right self-destructing? – Trailer park brawls, legal and financial troubles mark the beginning of the end of leading alt-right groups. However, there is no reason to celebrate as the white nationalist movement itself is still strong in America according to recent polling. Eight months after the white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville was marred by […]