By Samuel Warde on
4th of July DUI Checkpoint Viral Video, Arguing with the police, Constitutionality of DUI Checkpoints, July 4th DUI Checkpoint, Know Your Rights, Police Overreach, Traffic Stops, Unconstitutional Police Checkpoints, Viral Videos
Police Overreach, Police State

This was recorded on July 4th, 2013 in Tennessee at a “DUI checkpoint,” and note that almost every step of the way, the cops violated this man’s constitutional rights without skipping a beat. The clip itself is rather scary to watch — the first cop, Deputy A.J. Ross, gets so pissed off so fast, you […]
By Samuel Warde on
ask for an attorney if harassed by teh police, Civil Rights and the Police, Do not consent to a search by police, DUI Checkpoints, FoSSiL Free Searches Silent Lawyer, Know Your Rights, Police, remain silent with police, Traffic Stops
Law & Order, Police, Police Overreach, Police State

Whether a traffic stop that turns into “We smell something in your car” or a “driving while black” incident, you have rights when you’re pulled over — and it’s for the best if you actually use them. In this video, Elon James White talks about what to do if you’re stopped by the police. His […]
By Samuel Warde on
Black LIves Matter, Black Men Legitimate Fear of Police, Black Men Legitimate Reason to Flee Police Officers, Blacks can flee police officer, landmark ruling
Black Lives Matter, Law & Order, Police, Police Overreach, Police State, The Courts

Citing police data and an ACLU report, the Massachusetts high court stated that black men have a legitimate reason to flee police officers. WBUR, Boston’s NPR News Station, reports that “Black men who try to avoid an encounter with Boston police by fleeing may have a legitimate reason to do so — and should not […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fight Against the Police, Peaceful lawful protest, Police Conspire Charges, Police Fabricate Charges Against Protester, Police Overreach, Police State, Police Tyranny
Activism, Law & Order, Police, Police Overreach, Police State

Police officers accidentally record themselves fabricating charges in what seems like an unlikely stroke of cosmic karma. The ACLU announced it is filing a federal lawsuit against 3 police officers for conspiring to fabricate charges against a protester. The American Civil Liberties (ACLU) announced last week that they filed a complaint in the U.S. District […]
By Samuel Warde on
Controvery amid Milwaukee Police shooting, Corruption Surrounds Sheriffs Supporting Trump, Law and Order Candidate Claims false, Law and Order in america, Police Overreach, Police State, Sheriff David Clarke, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Sheriff Paul Babeu, Sheriff Tim Howard, Trump Police Allegations of Murky Legal Dealings
Corruption, Election 2016, Law & Order, Police, Police Overreach, Police State

Allegations Of Criminal Conduct Surround Prominent Police Officials Supporting Trump Campaign Accusations of criminal conduct on the part of Donald Trump’s most prominent police backers challenge his claim to be the law and order candidate. The Hill reports that The Fraternal Order of Police, the nation’s largest police union, endorsed Trump last week “after he […]