By Samuel Warde on
5 Anti-Choice Myths Debunked, almost 30 people die a day in the United States in alcohol related accidents, Department for Transport THINK! Campaign, Drunk Driving PSA, Drunk driving Public Service Announcement, Leo Burnett London #PubLooShocker video, Leo Burnett London Pub Loo Shocker campaign, the annual cost of alcohol related auto crashes, the dangers of drunk driving, the potential tragedy of drinking and driving, THINK! before you drink and drive
Activism, Human Interest, PSAs

An anti-drunk driving campaign is so horrifying it just might save people in real life. British advertising agency Leo Burnett London created a shocker campaign for the Department For Transport‘s THINK! campaign that is shocking enough it might just deter people from driving drunk. Filmed in a North London pub, THINK!’s #PubLooShocker was launched on […]
By Samuel Warde on
#GOPLovesWar, Foreign Policy, Iran Nuciear Agreement, PSAs, War
Foreign Policy, Politics, PSAs, Republican Logic, Republicans, Videos, Viral Videos, War

What do Jack Black, Morgan Freeman, Natasha Lyonne, Farshad Farahat, Valerie Plame, Queen Noor of Jordan and Ambassador Thomas Pickering all have in common? They all want you to call Congress to support the #IranDeal. Global Zero, “the international movement for the elimination of all nuclear weapons worldwide,” released a public service announcement on Tuesday […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
binge drinking, teen drinking, teens
Human Interest, PSAs, Videos

Are you a parent of a teen? Imagine coming home to find your sixteen-year-old daughter on the floor, unable to get up. That’s what happened to one father after only being out for two hours. The teen’s mother posted about it on Facebook and even though it happened a year ago, her message is always valuable. […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
misogyny, slap a girl, violence against women
PSAs, Viral Videos, Women's Issues

In a video that has gone viral, a series of young boys are introduced to a young girl, and they were asked what they liked about her. The boys were instructed to caress her and to make funny faces. The off camera interviewer, who is credited as Luca Lavarone, also instructed the boys to slap the […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
catcalls, sexism, threats
Feminism, PSAs, Women's Issues

Shoshana Roberts, the aspiring actress who was catcalled more than 100 times as she walked the streets of Manhattan, has reportedly received online rape threats. According to Emily May, co-founder and executive director of Hollaback, her office has been getting threatening phone calls since the public service announcement went live. Roberts has also been receiving menacing emails that […]