By Samuel Warde on
Fox News, racism in politics, Republican Supporting White Nationalists, Republicans Embrace White Nationalists, The Southern Strategy, White Extremists Support Republicans, white nationalists, White Nationalists within the GOP, White Supremacist scheme to take over GOP
Bigotry, Extremists, Fox News, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Smackdowns, Twitter Battles, White Nationalists

Former strategist to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry clears up some nonsense posted by Fox News on their Twitter page. Democratic strategist Peter Daou has advised several major Democratic political figures over the years to include two of the last three Democratic nominees for president – John Kerry and, most recently, Hillary Clinton. Daou was […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alex Jones, Alex Jones Sandy Hook Hoax, Apple iTunes battles hate speech, bullying, Conspiracy Theories, Facebook, Facebook Strikes back against Hate Speech, hate speech, InfoWars, InfoWars shut down by social media giants, iTunes, Online Bullying, Online Hate Speech, Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories, Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre, Sandy Hook families, Spotify, Spotify combats hate speech
Bullying, Extremists, Law & Order, Right Wing Fanatics, Weird News

His empire collapsing with the prospect of losing a lawsuit, Alex Jones’ legal team appears willing to go to despicable lengths to deny his accusers their day in court. As an independent journalist, I have covered a variety of topics and individuals over the years, but I have never felt my stomach turned by a […]
By Samuel Warde on
American's Right Leaning Youth, Best and the Brightest, CJ Pearson, conservative, Conservative Prominence, fraud, Teen Activists, The Left's Youngest Nightmare, Unapologetically Republican
Activism, Conservatives, Debunking Right Wing Lies, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Lies, Right-Wing Media, Right-Wing Myths, Right-Wing Propaganda, Smackdowns

Another one of “the best and the brightest” floats to the top. If you have been paying any attention to social media, you have probably come across the likes of CJ Pearson. Born July 21, 2002, Pearson promotes himself as “The Left’s Youngest Nightmare.” His website offers a short bio boasting of his humble liberal roots […]
By Samuel Warde on
Charlottesville Rally, Deadly Charlottesville Rally, First Amendment Protections, Free Speech, Racism in America today, The Price for Freedom, The price of free speech, Unite the Right rally, White Civil Rights Rally, white supremacists
Bigotry, Black Lives Matter, Class Warfare, Domestic Terrorism, Extremists, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, White Nationalists

The “white civil rights rally” is set to occur on the one-year anniversary of the deadly rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left one person dead and injured dozens of others. The Washington Post reported that: “An organizer of last year’s deadly white-supremacist gathering in Charlottesville has received initial approval from the National Park Service to […]
By Samuel Warde on
Democracy, Democratic Norms, Due Process of Law, Good Ole Boy Network, Nationalist Agenda, Racism, Racist Agenda, White Men protecting White Men, White Nationalism, white supremacy
Bigotry, Democracy, Discrimination, Extremists, Militants, Misogyny, Republican Hypocrisy, Republican Indifference, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, White Nationalists

CNN legal analyst & Supreme Court biographer doesn’t hold back when it comes to expressing disgust for Trump’s sustained attack on American rights. Trump has done everything he can to destroy civil discourse and democratic norms that have protected Americans for over two hundred years. CNN legal analyst Joan Biskupic wrote a scathing article this weekend ripping […]