By Samuel Warde on
Americans favor single-payer health care, Americans think affordable health care is the responsibility of government, Fox News Poll, Interest in the November elections rises, Robert Mueller Approval rating
Healthcare, Polls, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s approval rating showed a significant upward spike in Fox News‘ latest poll, and expectations that Mueller’s investigation will find that Donald Trump committed criminal or impeachable offenses rose as well. A Fox News poll released Wednesday showed a majority of registered voters approve of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, constituting an […]
By Samuel Warde on
constitutional crisis, Constitutional Emergency, Impeaching Rod Rosenstein unlikely, Mueller Cannot Be Fired - At least not right now, Obstruction of Justice, Robert Mueller, Russia investigation, Surviving a Constitutional Crisis, Thwarting Mueller's Investigation
Law & Order, Mueller Investigation, Obstruction of Justice, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation

A spate of recent events, to include the already infamous Nunes recordings, all but guarantee that Republicans remain impotent to prevent the Russia investigation from moving forwards to conclusion. The prospect of Trump firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller got a hell of a lot more difficult the instant Trump named Brett M. Kavanaugh as his […]
By Samuel Warde on
Defense Strategy, Independent Counsel Statute, Inferior Officer, Principal Officer, Robert Mueller, Special Counsel, special prosecutor
Law & Order, Legal Justice, Robert Mueller, Russia, Russia Investigation

As questions swirl over a potential Trump interview with special counsel Robert Mueller, a federal judge in Washington guts a leading defense strategy. One of Trump’s key defense strategies has been to attack the credibility of those leading the challenge against his rogue administration. Trump has lashed out at the country’s intelligence services, the FBI, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Abuse of Pardon Power, End of a Corrupt American Presidency, Impeachment, Obstruction of Justice, Russia investigation, Seth Abramson, Witness Tampering
Law & Order, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Seth Abramson

Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney Seth Abramson, weighs in on the latest bad news for Trump regarding Robert Mueller’s investigation. The New York Times reported on Thursday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is examining Trump’s tweets in a “wide-ranging obstruction inquiry.” The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, is scrutinizing tweets and negative […]
By Samuel Warde on
constitutional crisis, Constitutional Emergency, Obstruction of Justice, Seth Abramson Explains, Surviving a Constitutional Crisis, Treason
Abuse of Power, Constitutional Crisis, Corruption, Law & Order, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Seth Abramson

Trump is aggressively moving against Robert Mueller and his investigation. Seth Abramson explains how America can survive a constitutional crisis of this magnitude. Trump appears to have become emboldened by his recent visit with Russian President Vladimir Putin; and, if the events since then are any indication, is taking the country closer to a constitutional […]