By Brandon Weber on
Affordable Care act, civil rights, Civil Rights Act of 1964, End of Slavery, Fighting Bigotry, Fighting Poverty, Interracial Marriage, Jobs and Banking Reform, Liberal Victories, liberals, Living wages, Marriage equality for all, National Labor Relations Act, Progressive Values, progressive victories, Progressives, Right to Vote, Social Security, The Liberal Agenda, The New Deal, Voting Rights Act of 1965, worker's rights
Civil Rights, Equal Pay, Equal Rights, Liberals, Progressives, Voting, Wages, Workers rights

Here are but a few of the liberal victories that improved our country in the last 200 years — some after rather massive battles. If you look at the record … it’s clear that eventually, inevitably, Liberals always win. Even with the recent unpleasantness. Don’t believe me? Check out a few examples of liberal accomplishments the […]
By Samuel Warde on
Lewis Black Voter Suppression, Madison Kimrey, Madison Kimrey talks voter suppression, provisional voting rights, teen voter pre-registration, The ACLU and Voter Suppression, The ACLU and voting rights, Voter ID Laws, voter pre-registration, Voting Reform Laws, Voting Rights
Activism, Voter Suppression, Voting

Check out what happens when a Tea Partier tries to deny the existence of voter suppression laws. SPOILER: It didn’t have a happy ending – at least not for him. I posted the following image on my Facebook profile a while back to help start a conversation regarding voter suppression efforts in North Carolina. ACLU […]
By Samuel Warde on
gerrymandering, Midterm Polling, Presidential Polling, Voter Suppression, voter turnout
Elections, Midterm Elections, Polls, The Courts, Voter Suppression, Voting

These 4 numbers about the midterm elections should frighten Republicans hoping to cling to power. CNN reported on the possibility that Democrats will take control of the House of Representatives after the 2018 midterm elections, citing 4 “scary numbers” for Republicans: 40: “That’s the average — AVERAGE — seat loss for the president’s party in […]
By Samuel Warde on
Trump Loses First Debate, Trump sopporters worried, Undecided voters dislike Trump
Election 2016, Voting

Undecided voters and Trump supporters are expressing concerns in the wake of his post-debate bravado. Donald Trump attempted to re-frame his poor debate performance at a Tuesday night campaign rally in Melbourne, Florida, telling the crowd that “almost every single poll had us winning the debate against ‘Crooked Hillary Clinton’ big league. Big league. She […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Importance of elections, Neoliberalism versus Fascism, The Importance of Voting, Voting is a right, When Fascism Comes to America
Elections, Voting

This may be the most important election of the century and it is imperative that everyone vote. Poll after poll after poll shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump – and by huge margins. Nate Silver’s highly esteemed website, FiveThirtyEight, currently gives Trump’s campaign a 14.7 percent chance of winning if the election were held today. […]