By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, Election 2016, Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Women's issues
Election 2016, Fox News, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, Sexism, Videos

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has been disinvited from an important conservative gathering on Saturday after making sexist remarks about Fox News host Megyn Kelly. Trump has ranted and raged about Fox News- and Megyn Kelly in particular – on Twitter and in interviews, claiming that their questions were targeted, unfair and “nasty.” Late Thursday, […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Sarah Palin
Election 2016, Politics, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics

In a world… What would a Trump administration look like? Vile conservative creature Ann Coulter, who is on record saying women shouldn’t be able to vote, has been an enthusiastic cheerleader for a Trump presidency – and she believes he actually has a shot. At the Eagle Forum’s Collegian Summit in Washington, D.C. last week, Coulter said, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Barack Boama, Donald Trump, Election 2016, GOP Presidential Hopefuls, Mike Huckabee, Republican Hopefuls, Smackdowns, Videos
Barack Obama, Election 2016, Foreign Policy, Smackdowns, Videos

On Monday, President Obama offered his most extensive comments on the current slate of Republican presidential candidates so far. During a press conference in Ethiopia, Obama slammed the GOP hopefuls for using rhetoric “that would be considered ridiculous if it weren’t so sad.” Darlene Superville of the Associated Press asked if Pres. Obama would “kindly […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, Elections, Humor, Lewis Black, The Daily Show, Videos
Elections, Humor, Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Videos

Comedian Lewis Black is a favorite, shouting out loud what most of us are thinking. There’s the time he said “F#%! Voter Suppression” in a public service announcement for the ACLU, and who forgets the time he told Rush Limbaugh to go f#&! himself after Rush made horrible comments about Robin Williams in the wake […]
By Samuel Warde on
Donald Trump, Election 2016, Humor, Republican Logic
Election 2016, Humor, Republican Logic, Republicans, Twitter

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump is at it again – this time being duped into retweeting a photo of a murderer serving three life sentences. Trump has been embroiled in controversy since criticizing the war record of former Republican presidential candidate John McCain. It seems that Trump mistakenly believed the tweet was from the son of […]