By Samuel Warde on
Congressional Bias, House Republicans, Obstruction of Justice, Republican Witch Hunters, Republicans, Seth Abramson, Steve Schmidt, witch hunt, Witchhunt
Republican Logic, Republicans, Seth Abramson, Smackdowns

Seth Abramson and Steve Schmidt took to their Twitter accounts to publicly state what many have been thinking about Trump but were unwilling to publicly express. Trump tweets almost daily about witch hunts – and that witch hunt is alive an well but resides in the Republican wing of the House of Representatives and not […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Alabama GOP, Elections, Mitch McConnell, Republicans, Roy Moore, Women
Elections, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics

On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he believes the women who’ve accused Alabama Senate Republican candidate, Roy Moore of sexual misconduct according to Politico. McConnell told reporters, “I think he should step aside,” and added, “I believe the women, yes.” The Majority Leader’s latest statements about Moore are a departure from what he said just days ago: “If these allegations are […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
GOP, Impeachment, Jeff Flake, Republicans
Republicans, Right Wing Hypocrites

It’s as if congressional Republicans know Trump’s days are numbered, but most are too cowardly to make a move. Political talking-heads argue that as soon as Donald Trump’s approval ratings dip below 30 percent, the Republican Party will start to detach and possibly move toward impeachment or demand his resignation. There’s lots of chatter on mainstream media about whether or not Trump will make it through his first […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Democrat, Donald Trump, Republicans, Ted Lieu

Ted Lieu (D-CA) is a member of the House of Representatives and he’s a BADASS! Lieu’s Twitter bio: Husband of Betty, the love of my life. Father of two great kids. USAF veteran. Member of Congress. In that order. Also, I don’t take orders from Vladimir Putin. The California Democrat takes on Donald Trump every single day, and he does so with wit […]
By Samuel Warde on
Activist Professor, Professor Trashes Republicans, Republican Led Voter Suppression, Republicans
Activism, Conservatives, Republicans, Smackdowns

A political science professor at the University of Southern California delivered sustained attacks on Republicans, characterizing them as old, white, racist, and losers. University of Southern California (USC) student Tyler Talgo, apparently a conservative, decided to record his political science professor, Darry Sragow, delivering a sustained attack on Republicans – characterizing them as “stupid and […]