By Samuel Warde on
Bill O'Reilly Exits Fox News, Corporate Culture Intimidating Work Space, Fox News Harasses Women, Fox News Harassment, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin Fox News Corporate Culture, Sarah Palin Jake Tapper interview, Sarah Palin Talks Bill O'Reilly exit, victim blaming, Victim Shaming
Controversy, Fox News, Interviews, Scandals, Victim Blaming, Women's Issues, Workers rights

Tea Party favorite Sarah Palin tells us exactly what she thinks about Bill O’Reilly leaving Fox News by playing the victim blaming card. Tea Party favorite and failed vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin weighed in on Bill O’Reilly’s recent termination by blaming his victims. Palin, a former employee of Fox News, sat down with CNN’s Jake […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Abortion, anti-choice, anti-choice movement, Don't like abortion don't have one, Katie Couric, Meaningful access to reproductive health services, Michele Bachmann, Pro-Life, Reproductive healthcare access in America, Roe v. Wade, Sarah Palin, women access to reproductive healthcare
Opinion / Open Letters / Rants, Republican Hypocrisy, Supreme Court, Women's Issues

“They’re not pro-life. You know what they are, they’re anti-woman. Simple as it gets. Anti-woman. They don’t like them. They don’t like women.” ~George Carlin In 1973 the Supreme Court decided a woman’s right to choose abortion was legal. LEGAL. This means when a person decides to have an abortion: It’s legal. It’s none of […]
By Kimberley Johnson on
Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Sarah Palin
Election 2016, Politics, Republican Logic, Republicans, Right Wing Fanatics

In a world… What would a Trump administration look like? Vile conservative creature Ann Coulter, who is on record saying women shouldn’t be able to vote, has been an enthusiastic cheerleader for a Trump presidency – and she believes he actually has a shot. At the Eagle Forum’s Collegian Summit in Washington, D.C. last week, Coulter said, […]
By Samuel Warde on
Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin heckled, SNL, Videos
Humor, Videos

Former part-time Alaska Gov. and failed vice-president candidate Sarah Palin attended the after party for Saturday Night Live’s anniversary special where she encountered several hecklers. TMZ reported that “Some of her critics were pretty stupid … using high school tactics like telling her she looked like crap,” and credited her with having “some pretty good […]
By Samuel Warde on
Clinton Campaign, Funniest Political Errors Gone Wild, Hillary Clinton, Ready For Hillary, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin Raised $25K For Hillary Clinton's Election Campaign
Humor, Politics, Weird News

That awkward moment when Sarah Palin is named Co-Chair of Ready for Hillary’s National Finance Council! Yep, you heard that right campers. After inadvertently helping raise over $25,000 for Hillary Clinton’s election campaign “Sarah officially qualifies as a Co-Chair of our National Finance Council,” according to Clinton’s campaign headquarters. The story begins with Sarah Palin’s […]