By Samuel Warde on
Alex Jones, Alex Jones Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories, Conspiracy Theories, False Flag Operations, InfoWars
Extremists, Human Interest, Law & Order, Lying Liars, Smackdowns

Alex Jones “is a carnival barker, up there with a dog and pony show, and he’s profiting. He’s profiting off of the lies he tells…. It needs to come to an end; there needs to be consequences for the lies that he’s told.” Conservative wingnut Alex Jones has been widely criticized for years for propagating conspiracy […]
By Samuel Warde on
Administration Russia Sanctions Flip-Flop, Chicago Tribune Opinion, Chicago Tribune White House Scared of Putin, Raid Syrian Bombing Raid, Russian Sanctions Cancelled, US Syria Policy
Fact-Checking Lies, Foreign Policy, Smackdowns

“Is Trump scared of Putin?” The Chicago Tribune accuses Trump of acting against the strong preference of Americans – Republican and Democrat – when it comes to Putin. The Chicago Tribune published a rebuke of Trump’s handling of Russia in an article titled: “Is Trump Scared of Putin?” Trump finds himself on the hot seat […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alt Right Movement, Charlottesville Rally, Charlottesville Tragedy, Hate Groups, Organized Fear, Southern Poverty Law Firm, Storm Front, Traditionalist Worker Party, Unite the Right rally, White Nationalist Groups, white nationalists, white supremacists
Bigotry, Bullying, Discrimination, Extremists, Racial Issues, Right Wing Fanatics, Right Wing Hatred, White Nationalists

Is the alt-right self-destructing? – Trailer park brawls, legal and financial troubles mark the beginning of the end of leading alt-right groups. However, there is no reason to celebrate as the white nationalist movement itself is still strong in America according to recent polling. Eight months after the white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville was marred by […]
By Samuel Warde on
Alt Right Movement, alt-right, Charlottesville Tragedy, Daily Stormer, Racism in America today, Richard Spencer, Southern Poverty Law Center, Traditionalist Worker Party, white nationalist, white supremacy
Activism, Bigotry, Bullying, Discrimination, Extremists

Eight months after the white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville was marred by murder and mayhem, the alt-right movement appears to be imploding. Vox reported that: “Last August, a far-right rally called ‘Unite the Right’ took over the college town of Charlottesville, Virginia, for two days. By the time police managed to clear the streets of protesters […]
By Samuel Warde on
Defamation in Stormy Daniels Case, Early Morning Twitter Tantrums, Marital Infidelity, Michael Avenatti, Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels
Law & Order, Michael Avenatti, Scandals, Social Media Battles, Stormy Daniels, Twitter Battles, Twitter Tantrum

Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti taunts Trump, predicting doom and gloom in the wake of the recent FBI raid on Michael Cohen. Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti took to his Twitter account to mock Trump, minutes after the Tweeter-in-Chief threw a Saturday morning Twitter-tantrum. The subject was a Friday article published by The New York Times titled: “Michael […]