By Samuel Warde on
Active Obstruction of Justice, Federal Felonies, President Commits Felonies in Plain View, Seth Abramson, Seth Abramson Witness Tampering Analysis, Witness Tampering
Abuse of Power, Law & Order, Obstruction of Justice, Seth Abramson, Witness Tampering

Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney Seth Abramson presents evidence of felony witness tampering by Trump. The White House appears to be overcome with panic in light of recent events, such as jury deliberation in the tax- and bank-fraud case against Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort, this week’s release of several White House recordings secretly […]
By Samuel Warde on
Fox News, Fox News Hosts Stunned, Harris Faulkner, Melissa Francis, Rudy Giuliani, Seth Abramson, Trump Tower Meeting
Fox News, Rudy Giuliani, Russia Investigation, Russian Scandal, Weird News

The moment a Fox New host realizes Rudy Giuliani is lying to her in the middle of a live broadcast. Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney, Seth Abramson, weighed in on an amazing Monday segment from Fox News program”Outnumbered.” Abramson linked to a Mediaite article covering the segment, and we have included the original Fox […]
By Samuel Warde on
2016 Election Tampering, Allegations Russians Changes Votes 2016 Presidential election, Seth Abramson, Was the 2016 Election Valid
Constitutional Crisis, Elections, Seth Abramson

Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney Seth Abramson reports that there is every reason to believe that Trump is not actually president. Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney, Seth Abramson, has been publishing extensive Twitter threads and mega-threads regarding the ongoing investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia since autumn […]
By Samuel Warde on
Abuse of Pardon Power, End of a Corrupt American Presidency, Impeachment, Obstruction of Justice, Russia investigation, Seth Abramson, Witness Tampering
Law & Order, Robert Mueller, Russia Investigation, Seth Abramson

Former criminal investigator and criminal defense attorney Seth Abramson, weighs in on the latest bad news for Trump regarding Robert Mueller’s investigation. The New York Times reported on Thursday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is examining Trump’s tweets in a “wide-ranging obstruction inquiry.” The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, is scrutinizing tweets and negative […]
By Samuel Warde on
Kyle Griffin, Pot calling the Kettle Black, Seth Abramson, Twitter Tantrum, Twitter Tirade, White House hypocrisy
Fact-Checking Lies, Smackdowns, Social Media Battles, Twitter Tantrum, Uncategorized
Trump gets called out for his mind-numbing hypocrisy. Twitter is Ground Zero for the Resistance with activists, entertainers, journalists, legal experts, politicians, and every day people like you and me pushing back against the Trump regime; and Kyle Griffin, the producer of MSNBC‘s “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” and lawyer and university professor Seth […]